The Go:OT trial is focused on evaluating the group-based occupational therapy program called ‘ADAPT Program’. The program is developed to support people with chronic conditions in the process of learning how to problem-solve more efficiently in daily live, i.e., how to overcome activities of daily living (ADL) problems by means of adaptations (planning and prioritizing tasks, using assistive devices, energy management etc.). The ADAPT Program combines short lectures, with peer-to-peer exchange, practical assignments and feedback focused on performing tasks more efficiently.
The ADAPT Program is based on core occupational therapy theory and – models, and informed by two descriptive studies, showing how ADL task performance problems manifests in people with a chronic pain condition (i.e., fibromyalgia). The ADAPT Program are found feasible for occupational therapists to deliver and relevant for people with a variety of chronic conditions to attend as part of the municipality rehabilitation. Initial ADAPT Program evaluations have shown outcome gains such as improved ADL ability and increased mental wellbeing. The Go:OT trial aims to evaluate short and long term effects, implementation process and cost-effectiveness of the ADAPT Program, when compared to usual occupational therapy i.e., one-to-one interventions in the clients home. The Go:OT trial is conducted ‘real life settings’, i.e. Rødovre municipality, and is currently in the pilot trial phase. The main Go:OT trial runs from August 2023 to December 2024, and is supported financially by Den Kommunale Kvalitetsudviklingspulje, Tværspuljen, UCSF Lundbeck Fonden and OAK foundation.
Publications related to the ADAPT program:
von Bülow C, Amris K, la Cour K, Danneskiold-Samsøe B, & Ejlersen Wæhrens E. Differences in ability to perform activities of daily living among women with fibromyalgia: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015; 47(10), 941–947.
von Bülow C, Amris K, la Cour K, Danneskiold-Samsøe B & Ejlersen Wæhrens E. Ineffective ADL skills in women with fibromyalgia: a cross-sectional study, Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy. 2016; 23:5, 391-397,
von Bülow C, Amris K, Bandak E, Danneskiold-Samsøe B & Ejlersen Wæhrens E. Improving activities of daily living ability in women with fibromyalgia: An exploratory, quasi-randomized, phase-two study, IMPROvE trial. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine.2017; 49(3), 241–250.
Amris K, von Bülow C, Christensen R, et al. The benefit of adding a physiotherapy or occupational therapy intervention programme to a standardized group-based interdisciplinary rehabilitation programme for patients with chronic widespread pain: a randomized active-controlled non-blinded trial. Clinical Rehabilitation. 2019;33(8):1367-1381.
Thesis related to the ADAPT program:
von Bülow C. Development and Evaluation of an adaptational program. Syddansk Universitet. 2015.
Contact Person
Cecilie von Bülow