Published in 2025

An Acta Orthopaedica educational article: Treatment of pediatric spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis

Helenius, I., Virkki, E., Toomela, T., Studer, D., Gehrchen, M. & Ahonen, M., 13 jan. 2025, I: Acta orthopaedica. 96, s. 80-86 7 s.

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Anaesthesia teams' perception of mental wellbeing, the psychosocial work environment and patient safety culture

Østergaard, D., Madsen, M. D., Cedergreen, P., Mikkelsen, K. L., Treschow, F. P. & Nielsen, J., feb. 2025, I: Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. 69, 2, s. e14569

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Analgesic Overdose in Patients With Dental Pain. A Cross-Sectional Study in Two Dental Emergency Clinics

Larsen, S., Markvart, M., Søndenbroe, R., Dalhoff, K. & Jensen, S., feb. 2025, I: Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology. 136, 2, e14124.

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Antimicrobial Peptides Against Arboviruses: Mechanisms, Challenges, and Future Directions

Owliaee, I., Khaledian, M., Shojaeian, A., Madanchi, H., Yarani, R., Boroujeni, A. K. & Shoushtari, M., 7 jan. 2025, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Probiotics and antimicrobial proteins.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewpeer review

Aspirin and Hemocompatibility After LVAD Implantation in Patients With Atherosclerotic Vascular Disease: A Secondary Analysis From the ARIES-HM3 Randomized Clinical Trial

Gustafsson, F., Uriel, N., Netuka, I., Katz, J. N., Pagani, F. D., Connors, J. M., Jorde, U. P., Zimpfer, D., Pya, Y., Conway, J., Anyanwu, A., Scandroglio, A. M., Sulemanjee, N., Atluri, P., Keebler, M., Selzman, C. H., Alexis, J. D., Hayward, C., Henderson, J. & Dirckx, N. & 3 flere, Gazzola, C., Mehra, M. R. & ARIES Investigators, 8 jan. 2025, (E-pub ahead of print) I: JAMA Cardiology.

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Assessment of potentially unnecessary antibiotic use for suspected urinary tract infections in nursing homes using a simplified algorithm

Llor, C., Olsen, J., Lykkegaard, J., Anastasaki, M., Nygaard Jensen, J., Søndergaard, J., Antsupova, V., Petek, D., Hansen, M. P., Theut, M., Lions, C., Jaruseviciene, L., Radzeviciene, R., Bálint, A., Glasova, H., Glasa, J., Sodja, N., Moragas, A., Monfà, R. & García-Sangenís, A. & 6 flere, Kowalczyk, A., Ruppe, G., Vallejo-Torres, L., Elistratova, M., González López-Valcárcel, B. & Tsoulchai, G., 26 jan. 2025, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Expert Review of Anti-Infective Therapy. s. 1-7 7 s.

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Association between Deficient MSH2/MSH6 vs MLH1/PMS2 Status and Survival Rates in Localized Colorectal Cancer: A Nationwide Cohort Study

Justesen, T. F., Orhan, A., Rosen, A. W., Gögenur, M., Krarup, P.-M., Qvortrup, C. & Gögenur, I., 14 jan. 2025, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Annals of Surgery.

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Association between hemolysis markers and neuron-specific enolase in AMICS patients supported with a microaxial flow pump

Alaoui-Ismaili, Z., Klein, A., Josiassen, J., Helgestad, O. K. L., Korsholm Jeppesen, K., Berg Ravn, H., Kjærgaard, J., Hassager, C. & Eifer Møller, J., 10 jan. 2025, (E-pub ahead of print) I: European heart journal. Acute cardiovascular care.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

Associations of early life body size and pubertal timing with breast density and postmenopausal breast cancer risk: A mediation analysis

Pedersen, D. C., Hameiri-Bowen, D., Aarestrup, J., Jensen, B. W., Tjønneland, A., Mellemkjær, L., von Euler-Chelpin, M., Vejborg, I., Andersen, Z. J. & Baker, J. L., 10 jan. 2025, I: Annals of Epidemiology. 102, s. 68-74 7 s.

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Authors' reply to the comment by Zhu et al

Støve, M. P., Hansen, L. Ø., Elmbæk, K. K., Magnusson, S. P., Thomsen, J. L. & Riis, A., jan. 2025, I: European Journal of Pain. 29, 1, s. e4770

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Autism Spectrum Disorder Patients and Use of iPSC and Cerebral Organoids

Ilieva, M. S., 2025, Handbook of the Biology and Pathology of Mental Disorders. Martin, C. R., Preedy, V. R., Patel, V. B. & Rajendram, R. (red.). s. 1-28

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review

Autologous Neurosensory Retinal Flap Transplantation in a Porcine Model of Retinal Hole

Olufsen, M. E., Hannibal, J., Soerensen, N. B., Christiansen, A. T., Christensen, U. C., Pertile, G., Steel, D. H., Heegaard, S. & Kiilgaard, J. F., 2025, I: Ophthalmology Science . 5, 2, s. 100644

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Automated quantitative assessment of pulmonary congestion from coronary CT angiography

Overgaard Olesen, A. S., Fabricius-Bjerre, A., Miger, K., Petersen, J., Kühl, J. T., Fuglsang Kofoed, K. & Wendelboe Nielsen, O., 13 jan. 2025, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Journal of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftKommentar/debatForskningpeer review

Automated stenosis estimation of coronary angiographies using end-to-end learning

Eschen, C. K., Banasik, K., Dahl, A. B., Chmura, P. J., Bruun-Rasmussen, P., Pedersen, F., Køber, L., Engstrøm, T., Bøttcher, M., Winther, S., Christensen, A. H., Bundgaard, H. & Brunak, S., 9 jan. 2025, (E-pub ahead of print) I: The international journal of cardiovascular imaging.

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Baseline Anal Sphincter Elastance May Predict Long-Term Outcomes of Sacral Neuromodulation for Fecal Incontinence

O'Connor, A., Martin, S., Davenport, M., Klarskov, N., Sharma, A., McLaughlin, J., Vasant, D. H., Kiff, E. S. & Telford, K. J., jan. 2025, I: The Journal of surgical research. 305, s. 183-189 7 s.

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Bayesian Effect Size Ranking to Prioritise Genetic Risk Variants in Common Diseases for Follow-Up Studies

Crouch, D. J. M., Inshaw, J. R. J., Robertson, C. C., Ng, E., Zhang, J.-Y., Chen, W.-M., Onengut-Gumuscu, S., Cutler, A. J., Sidore, C., Cucca, F., Pociot, F., Concannon, P., Rich, S. S. & Todd, J. A., jan. 2025, I: Genetic Epidemiology. 49, 1, s. e22608

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