Mikael Boesen (MB) graduated as an MD in 1999, during the final year of his studies he also worked as a research assistant at the Institute of Microbiology and Immunology at the Panum institute, University of Copenhagen followed by initial postgrad training as a medical doctor at Bornholm Centralsygehus and later on as a research assistant in cardiac MRI at Copenhagen university hospital Hvidovre and Frederiksberg before he startet his career in radiology i 2003. MB defended his PhD thesis in June 2008, entitled "Magnetic resonance imaging of joints following intraarticular treatment in arthritis" from the Parker Institute and Aalborg University and he has since his PhD pursued his special interest in advanced imaging of patients with various musculoskeletal conditions including rheumatoid arthritis (RA), osteoarthritis (OA), and psoriatic arthritis (PSA) especially dealing with quantification of inflammation using magnetic resonance imaging. MB has currently over 12 years of hand-on experience in imaging protocol design, imaging study set-up, scoring and reporting in especially MSK diseases, and he has co- authored over 40 papers and is a frequently invited speaker in national and international symposia and lectures. MB has previously co-supervised 3 national and 2 international Phd students and are currently supervising 6 national Phd students. MB is chair of the IMAGINE group that since 2008 have investigated the use of dynamic contrast enhanced MRI in patients with inflammatory arthritis Since his Phd MB has been affiliated the Parker institute Bispebjerg and Frederiksbeg Hospital as a part-time consultant to head the MRI and X-ray research and also supervise the musculoskeletal imaging Ph.d. research within this field at the Parker Institute. MB is primarily employed as a senior consultant in musculoskeletal radiology at department of Radiology Bispbjerg and Frederiksberg Hospitals with a part-time position as head of the departments musculoskeletal research since 2009.