Published in 2006

Får man astma af at dyrke topidræt?

Backer, V., Pedersen, L. & Lund, T. C., 18 dec. 2006, I: Ugeskrift for Laeger. 168, 51, s. 4532

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Favourable effect of TNF-alpha inhibitor (infliximab) on Blau syndrome in monozygotic twins with a de novo CARD15 mutation

Milman, N., Andersen, C. B., Hansen, A., van Overeem Hansen, T., Nielsen, F. C., Fledelius, H., Ahrens, P. & Nielsen, O. H., dec. 2006, I: APMIS - Journal of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology. 114, 12, s. 912-9 8 s.

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Feasibility of a branched stent-graft in common iliac artery aneurysms

Malina, M., Dirven, M., Sonesson, B., Resch, T., Dias, N. & Ivancev, K., aug. 2006, I: Journal of endovascular therapy : an official journal of the International Society of Endovascular Specialists. 13, 4, s. 496-500 5 s.

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Identification of Burkholderia cepacia complex pathogens by rapid-cycle PCR with fluorescent hybridization probes

Vonberg, R-P., Häußler, S., Vandamme, P. & Steinmetz, I., jun. 2006, I: Journal of Medical Microbiology. 55, Pt 6, s. 721-727 7 s.

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IL-1β-induced pro-apoptotic signalling is facilitated by NCAM/FGF receptor signalling and inhibited by the C3d ligand in the INS-1E rat beta cell line

Petersen, L. G., Størling, J., Heding, P., Li, S., Berezin, V., Saldeen, J., Billestrup, N., Bock, E. & Mandrup-Poulsen, T., aug. 2006, I: Diabetologia. 49, 8, s. 1864-1875 12 s.

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Impulse-forces during walking are not increased in patients with knee osteoarthritis

Henriksen, M., Simonsen, E. B., Graven-Nielsen, T., Lund, H., Danneskiold-Samsøe, B. & Bliddal, H., aug. 2006, I: Acta Orthopaedica . 77, 4, s. 650-6 7 s.

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BACKGROUND: Impulsive forces in the knee joint have been suspected to be a co-factor in the development and progression of knee osteoarthritis. We thus evaluated the impulsive sagittal ground reaction forces (iGRF), shock waves and lower extremity joint kinematics at heel strike during walking in knee osteoarthritis (OA) patients and compared them to those in healthy subjects.

SUBJECTS AND METHODS: We studied 9 OA patients and 10 healthy subjects using three-dimensional gait analyses concentrated on the heel strike. Impulse GRF (iGRF) was measured together with peak accelerations (PA) at the tibial tuberosity and sacrum. Sagittal lower extremity joint angles at heel strike were extracted from the gait analyses. As OA is painful and pain might alter movement strategies, the patient group was also evaluated following pain relief by intraarticular lidocaine injections.

RESULTS: The two groups showed similar iGRF, similar tibial and sacral PA, and similar joint angles at heel strike. Following pain relief, the OA patients struck the ground with more extended hip and knee joints and lower tibial PA compared to the painful condition. Although such changes occurred after pain relief, all parameters were within their normal ranges.

INTERPRETATION: OA patients and healthy subjects show similar impulse-forces and joint kinematics at heel strike. Following pain relief in the patient group, changes in tibial PA and in hip and knee joint angles were observed but these were still within the normal range. Our findings make us question the hypothesis that impulse-forces generated at heel strike during walking contribute to progression of OA.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Acta Orthopaedica
Vol/bind 77
Udgave nummer 4
Sider (fra-til) 650-6
Antal sider 7
ISSN 1745-3674
Status Udgivet - aug. 2006

Increased joint loads during walking--a consequence of pain relief in knee osteoarthritis

Henriksen, M., Simonsen, E. B., Alkjaer, T., Lund, H., Graven-Nielsen, T., Danneskiold-Samsøe, B. & Bliddal, H., dec. 2006, I: The Knee. 13, 6, s. 445-50 6 s.

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Joint pain is a primary symptom in knee osteoarthritis (OA), but the effect of pain and pain relief on the knee joint mechanics of walking is not clear. In this study, the effects of local knee joint analgesia on knee joint loads during walking were studied in a group of knee osteoarthritis patients. A group of healthy subjects was included as a reference group. The joint loads were calculated from standard gait analysis data obtained with standardised walking speed (4 km/h). The gait analyses were performed before and after pain relief by intra-articular injections of 10 mL lidocaine (1%). Pre-injection measurements revealed lower joint loads in the OA group compared to the reference group. Following injections pain during walking decreased significantly and the joint loads increased in the OA group during the late single support phase to a level comparable to the reference group. Although the patients walked with less compressive knee joint forces compared to the reference group, the effects of pain relief may accelerate the degenerative changes.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift The Knee
Vol/bind 13
Udgave nummer 6
Sider (fra-til) 445-50
Antal sider 6
ISSN 0968-0160
Status Udgivet - dec. 2006

Inflammation and miscarriage

Christiansen, O. B., Nielsen, H. S. & Kolte, A. M., okt. 2006, I: Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine. 11, 5, s. 302-8 7 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewpeer review

Inherited hemoglobin disorders in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa: a population study

Masmas, T. N., Garly, M-L., Lisse, I. M., Rodriques, A., Petersen, P. T. & Birgens, H., 2006, I: Hemoglobin. 30, 3, s. 355-64 10 s.

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Kræftrelaterede smerter

Lundorff, L. E., Eriksen, J. & Sjøgren, P., 15 maj 2006, I: Ugeskrift for Laeger. 168, 20, s. 1960-2 3 s.

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Long-term compliance with beta-blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, and statins after acute myocardial infarction

Gislason, G. H., Rasmussen, J. N., Abildstrøm, S. Z., Gadsbøll, N., Buch, P., Friberg, J., Rasmussen, S., Køber, L., Stender, S., Madsen, M. & Torp-Pedersen, C., maj 2006, I: European Heart Journal. 27, 10, s. 1153-1158 6 s.

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Long-term recurrence and death rates after acute pancreatitis

Lund, H., Tønnesen, H., Tønnesen, M. H. & Olsen, O., 1 feb. 2006, I: Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology. 41, 2, s. 234-8 5 s.

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The aim of this study was to compare long-term recurrence and death rates after a first episode of acute pancreatitis in patients with and without gallstones. Additionally, it was of interest to find out if there were factors predictive of readmission or death.
Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology
Vol/bind 41
Udgave nummer 2
Sider (fra-til) 234-8
Antal sider 5
ISSN 0036-5521
Status Udgivet - 1 feb. 2006

Lægens rolle i rehabilitering

Tønnesen, H., Bendix, A. F. & Hendriksen, C., 2006, København: Laegeforeningens Forlag.

Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportBogForskning

Originalsprog Dansk
Udgivelsessted København
Forlag Laegeforeningens Forlag
Status Udgivet - 2006

Maternal smoking predicts the risk of spontaneous abortion

Nielsen, A., Hannibal, C. G., Lindekilde, B. E., Tolstrup, J., Frederiksen, K., Munk, C., Bergholt, T., Buss, L., Ottesen, B., Grønbaek, M. & Kjaer, S. K., 2006, I: Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica. 85, 9, s. 1057-65 9 s.

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Mislyde og ekkokardiografiske fund hos 2.907 uselekterede, indlagte patienter

Iversen, K. K., Teisner, A. S., Bay, M., Kirk, V., Boesgaard, S. & Amager, H. N., 26 jun. 2006, I: Ugeskrift for Laeger. 168, 26-32, s. 2551-2554 4 s.

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Mortality after acute myocardial infarction according to income and education

Rasmussen, J. N., Rasmussen, S., Gislason, G. H., Buch, P., Abildstrom, S. Z., Køber, L., Osler, M., Diderichsen, F., Torp-Pedersen, C. & Madsen, M., apr. 2006, I: Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 60, 4, s. 351-356 6 s.

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Novel access technique facilitating carotid artery stenting

Ivancev, K., Resch, T. & Malina, M., 2006, I: Vascular. 14, 4, s. 219-22 4 s.

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Novel roles for metallothionein-I + II (MT-I + II) in defense responses, neurogenesis, and tissue restoration after traumatic brain injury: insights from global gene expression profiling in wild-type and MT-I + II knockout mice

Penkowa, M., Cáceres, M., Borup, R., Nielsen, F. C., Poulsen, C. B., Quintana, A., Molinero, A., Carrasco, J., Florit, S., Giralt, M. & Hidalgo, J., 15 nov. 2006, I: Journal of Neuroscience Research. 84, 7, s. 1452-74 23 s.

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Parathyroid hormone 7-84 induces hypocalcemia and inhibits the parathyroid hormone 1-84 secretory response to hypocalcemia in rats with intact parathyroid glands

Huan, J., Olgaard, K., Nielsen, L. B. & Lewin, E., jul. 2006, I: Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN. 17, 7, s. 1923-30 8 s.

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