Published in 2014

Dietary gluten and the development of type 1 diabetes

Antvorskov, J. C., Josefsen, K. E., Engkilde, K., Funda, D. & Buschard, K. S., 2014, I: Diabetologia. 57, 9, s. 1779-80 10 s., 24871322.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewpeer review

Dietary gluten increases natural killer cell cytotoxicity and cytokine secretion

Larsen, J., Dall, M., Antvorskov, J. C., Weile, C. R. A., Engkilde, K., Josefsen, K. E. & Buschard, K. S., 2014, I: European Journal of Immunology. 44, 10, s. 3056-67 10.1002/eji.201344264.

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Differentiation between early rheumatoid arthritis patients and healthy persons by conventional and dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging

Axelsen, M. B., Ejbjerg, B. J., Hetland, M. L., Skjødt, H., Majgaard, O., Lauridsen, U. B., Hørslev-Petersen, K., Boesen, M., Kubassova, O., Bliddal, H. & Østergaard, M., 2014, I: Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology. 43, 2, s. 109-118 9 s.

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Objectives: To identify the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) parameter that best differentiates healthy persons and patients with early rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and to investigated responsiveness to treatment of various MRI parameters. Method: Conventional MRI and dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE)-MRI of the hand were performed once for 26 healthy persons, and before and after 6 and 12 months of disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD) treatment for 14 early RA patients, using a 1.0-T MRI unit. One-slice DCE-MRI was analysed using Dynamika version 4.2. The number of enhancing voxels (Nvoxel), the initial rate of enhancement (IRE), the maximum enhancement (ME), ME×Nvoxel, and IRE×Nvoxel were calculated for wrist and 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints. Conventional MR images were evaluated using the RA MRI scoring system (RAMRIS) synovitis score. Results: Using DCE-MRI, enhancement was demonstrated in 61.5% of healthy persons and in 91.7% of RA patients at baseline, with a median Nvoxel of 3 and 362, respectively. At baseline, all parameters were higher for patients than for healthy persons (all p ≤ 0.003). Only one patient had a baseline RAMRIS synovitis score below the 95th percentile of the healthy persons. The corresponding number of patients was 3 for Nvoxel, ME×Nvoxel and IRE×Nvoxel, and 10 for IRE and ME. The RAMRIS synovitis score and IRE showed the highest responsiveness, with a standardized response mean (SRM) of -1.00 and -0.88, respectively. Conclusions: The RAMRIS synovitis scoring of conventional MRI, and to a lesser extent the one-slice DCE-MRI parameters of synovial volume, differentiated early RA patients and healthy persons. The decrease in RAMRIS synovitis score, Nvoxel, and IRE showed sensitivity to change during treatment.
Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology
Vol/bind 43
Udgave nummer 2
Sider (fra-til) 109-118
Antal sider 9
ISSN 0300-9742
Status Udgivet - 2014

Does an intensive alcohol cessation intervention at the time of fracture surgery induce smoking cessation? - The Scand-Ankle study.

Wernheden, E., Aalykke, M., Pedersen, B., Egholm, J., Lauritzen, J. B., Madsen, B. & Tønnesen, H., 2014, I: Clinical Health Promotion. 4, 2, s. 48-53

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Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Clinical Health Promotion
Vol/bind 4
Udgave nummer 2
Sider (fra-til) 48-53
Status Udgivet - 2014
Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
Vol/bind 73
Udgave nummer Suppl. 2
Sider (fra-til) 297
Antal sider 1
ISSN 0003-4967
Status Udgivet - 2014

Dynamic contrast-enhanced, extremity-dedicated MRI identifies synovitis changes in the follow-up of rheumatoid arthritis patients treated with rituximab

Cimmino, M. A., Parodi, M., Zampogna, G., Boesen, M., Kubassova, O., Barbieri, F., Paparo, F., Garlaschi, G. & Cutolo, M., 30 jul. 2014, I: Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology. 32, 5, s. 647-52 6 s.

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OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to assess prospectively the effect of rituximab (RTX) on MRI features of wrist joint disease in patients affected by rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

METHODS: Ten patients (6F/4M, mean age 52.9±15.5 years) diagnosed with IgM rheumatoid factor, anti-CCP positive, RA according to the 1987 ACR criteria were treated with a single course of RTX (2 infusions of 1000 mg, 15 days apart). MRI of the dominant hand was performed with a 0.2T extremity-dedicated machine using pre and post contrast T1 weighted SE, turbo 3D, and STIR sequences at baseline, and after 4 and 24 weeks. MRI was analysed using the OMERACT-RAMRIS score and the dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE-MRI) technique for wrist synovitis, which calculates the enhancement ratio as both rate of early enhancement (REE) and relative enhancement (RE). The corresponding ME and IRE parameters were calculated also through a computer-aided semi-automated method on the mean of three MRI slices and on a small ROI positioned in the area of maximum enhancement.

RESULTS: DAS significantly decreased during the study period (ANOVA for repeated measures, p=0.005). The RAMRIS score did not change along the study, whereas the dynamic MRI values RE, IRE and ME on the small ROI significantly decreased. RE, but not the RAMRIS synovitis score, significantly correlated with DAS at baseline, 1 and 6 months (p=0.005, 0.04, and 0.0007, respectively).

CONCLUSIONS: RTX confirmed good clinical efficacy, which was paralleled by a significant decrease in dynamic MRI results for wrist synovitis. On the contrary, the traditional RAMRIS measures did not change.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology
Vol/bind 32
Udgave nummer 5
Sider (fra-til) 647-52
Antal sider 6
ISSN 0392-856X
Status Udgivet - 30 jul. 2014

Dynamic magnetic resonance imaging in the assessment of the response to Certolizumab Pegol in rheumatoid arthritis patients: results from a phase IIIb randomized study.

Østergaard, M., Axelsen, M. B., Jacobsson, L. T. H., Schaufelberger, C., Hansen, M. S., Bijlsma, J. W. J., Dudek, A., Rell-Bakalarska, M., Staelens, F., Haake, R., Sundman-Engberg, B. & Bliddal, H., 2014, I: Arthritis & Rheumatology. 66, Suppl. 11, s. S518-19 2 s.

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Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Arthritis & Rheumatology
Vol/bind 66
Udgave nummer Suppl. 11
Sider (fra-til) S518-19
Antal sider 2
ISSN 1537-2960
Status Udgivet - 2014

OBJECTIVE: Changes in biomarkers for bone and cartilage in knee osteoarthritis (KOA) may reflect changes in tissue turnover induced by interventions. The aim of this study was to assess the effect on osteoarthritis biomarkers of an intensive weight loss intervention in obese KOA patients.

METHODS: 192 obese KOA patients followed a 16 weeks weight loss intervention ( NCT00655941). Serum Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein (sCOMP), Urine C-terminal telopeptide of collagen type II (uCTX-II) and type I (uCTX-I) were determined by enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) at baseline and after 16 weeks. Patient-reported symptoms were assessed by the Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) Questionnaire without the sports and recreation score (KOOS-4). Change from baseline was analyzed using Analysis of CoVariance (ANCOVA) adjusting for sex, age, and body mass index (BMI). Bivariate associations were analyzed using Spearman's test of rank correlation.

RESULTS: 175 patients completed the treatment and lost mean 13.4 (95% CI: 12.5-14.4) kg. sCOMP concentration decreased on average 1.1 (95% CI: -1.5 to -0.8) U/L with a correlation to weight loss (r = -0.17, P = 0.028), but not to change in KOOS-4 (r = -0.13, P = 0.091). uCTX-II increased significantly, mean 69 (95% CI: 31-106) ng/mmol creatinine, with no relation to weight loss (P = 0.14). Change in uCTX-II was reversely related to change in KOOS-4 (r = -0.28, P = 0.0003). uCTX-I increased, mean 67 (95% CI: 47-87) μg/mmol creatinine, and correlated to weight loss (r = 0.22, P = 0.0007), while not to KOOS-4 (P = 0.93).

CONCLUSION: A rapid substantial weight loss in obese KOA patients was weakly, while significantly associated with a reduction in sCOMP, and increases in both uCTX-II and uCTX-I.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Osteoarthritis and cartilage / OARS, Osteoarthritis Research Society
Vol/bind 22
Udgave nummer 11
Sider (fra-til) 1817-25
Antal sider 9
ISSN 1063-4584
Status Udgivet - nov. 2014

Effect of combination therapy on joint destruction in rheumatoid arthritis: a network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Graudal, N., Hubeck-Graudal, T., Tarp, S., Christensen, R. & Jürgens, G., 2014, I: P L o S One. 9, 9, s. e106408

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BACKGROUND: Despite significant cost differences, the comparative effect of combination treatments of disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) with and without biologic agents has rarely been examined. Thus we performed a network meta-analysis on the effect of combination therapies on progression of radiographic joint erosions in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

METHODS AND FINDINGS: The following combination drug therapies compared versus single DMARD were investigated: Double DMARD: 2 DMARDs (methotrexate, sulfasalazine, leflunomide, injectable gold, cyclosporine, chloroquine, azathioprin, penicillamin) or 1 DMARD plus low dose glucocorticoid (LDGC); triple DMARD: 3 DMARDs or 2 DMARDs plus LDGC; biologic combination: 1 DMARD plus biologic agent (tumor necrosis factor α inhibitor (TNFi) or abatacept or tocilizumab or CD20 inhibitor (CD20i)). Randomized controlled trials were identified in a search of electronic archives of biomedical literature and included in a star-shaped network meta-analysis and reported according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement protocol. Effects are reported as standardized mean differences (SMD). The effects of data from 39 trials published in the period 1989-2012 were as follows: Double DMARD: -0.32 SMD (CI: -0.42, -0.22); triple DMARD: -0.46 SMD (CI: -0.60, -0.31); 1 DMARD plus TNFi: -0.30 SMD (CI: -0.36, -0.25); 1 DMARD plus abatacept: -0.20 SMD (CI: -0.33, -0.07); 1 DMARD plus tocilizumab: -0.34 SMD (CI: -0.48, -0.20); 1 DMARD plus CD20i: -0.32 SMD (CI: -0.40, -0.24). The indirect comparisons showed similar effects between combination treatments apart from triple DMARD being significantly better than abatacept plus methotrexate (-0.26 SMD (CI: -0.45, -0.07)) and TNFi plus methotrexate (-0.16 SMD (CI: -0.31, -0.01)).

CONCLUSION: Combination treatment of a biologic agent with 1 DMARD is not superior to 2-3 DMARDs including or excluding LDGC in preventing structural joint damage. Future randomized studies of biologic agents should be compared versus a combination of DMARDs.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift P L o S One
Vol/bind 9
Udgave nummer 9
Sider (fra-til) e106408
ISSN 1932-6203
Status Udgivet - 2014

It is unknown whether loss in musculotendinous tissue during inactivity can be counteracted by growth hormone (GH), and whether GH accelerate rehabilitation in aging individuals. Elderly men (65-75 yr; n = 12) had one leg immobilized 2 wk followed by 6 wk of retraining and were randomly assigned to daily injections of recombinant GH (rhGH; n = 6) or placebo (Plc; n = 6). Cross-sectional area (CSA), muscle strength (MVC), and biomechanical properties of m. quadriceps and patellar tendon were determined. Muscle and tendon biopsies were analyzed for gene expressions (mRNA) of collagen (COL1A1/3A1) and insulin-like growth factors (IGF-1Ea/Ec). Fibril morphology was analyzed by transmission electron microscope (TEM). In tendon, CSA and biomechanical properties did not change following immobilization, but an increase in CSA was found after 6 wk of rehabilitation in both groups. The changes were more pronounced when GH was injected. Furthermore, tendon stiffness increased in the GH group. Muscle CSA declined after immobilization in the Plc but not in the GH group. Muscle CSA increased during retraining, with a significantly larger increase in the GH group compared with the Plc group. Both a time and a group effect were seen for IGF-1Ea/Ec and COL1A1/3A1 mRNA expression in muscle, with a difference between GH and Plc. IGF-1Ea/Ec and COL-1A1/3A1 mRNA expression increased in muscle following immobilization and retraining in subjects receiving GH, whereas an increase in IGF-1Ec mRNA expression was seen in the Plc group only after retraining. In conclusion, in elderly humans, GH seems to have a matrix stabilizing effect during inactivity and rehabilitation by stimulating collagen expression in the musculotendinous tissue and increasing tendon CSA and stiffness.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985)
Vol/bind 116
Udgave nummer 2
Sider (fra-til) 192-203
Antal sider 12
ISSN 8750-7587
Status Udgivet - 15 jan. 2014

Effect of phenylephrine vs. ephedrine on frontal lobe oxygenation during caesarean section with spinal anesthesia: an open label randomized controlled trial

Foss, V. T., Christensen, R., Rokamp, K. Z., Nissen, P., Secher, N. H. & Nielsen, H. B., 2014, I: Frontiers in Physiology. 5, s. 81

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BACKGROUND: During caesarean section spinal anesthesia may provoke maternal hypotension that we prevent by administration of phenylephrine and/or ephedrine. Phenylephrine is however reported to reduce the near infrared spectroscopy-determined frontal lobe oxygenation (ScO2) but whether that is the case for patients exposed to spinal anesthesia is not known.

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the impact of phenylephrine vs. ephedrine on ScO2during caesarean section with spinal anesthesia in a single center, open-label parallel-group study with balanced randomization of 24 women (1:1). Secondary aims were to compare the effect of the two drugs on maternal hemodynamics and fetal heart rate.

INTERVENTION: Ephedrine (0.8-3.3 mg/min) vs. phenylephrine infusion (0.02-0.07 mg/min).

RESULTS: For the duration of surgery, administration of ephedrine maintained ScO2 (compared to baseline +2.1 ± 2.8%; mean ± SE, while phenylephrine reduced ScO2 (-8.6 ± 2.8%; p = 0.005) with a 10.7% difference in ScO2between groups (p = 0.0106). Also maternal heart rate was maintained with ephedrine (+3 ± 3 bpm) but decreased with phenylephrine (-11 ± 3 bpm); difference 14 bpm (p = 0.0053), but no significant difference in mean arterial pressure (p = 0.1904) or CO (p = 0.0683) was observed between groups. The two drugs also elicited an equal increase in fetal heart rate (by 19 ± 3 vs. 18 ± 3 bpm; p = 0.744).

CONCLUSION: In the choice between phenylephrine and ephedrine for maintenance of blood pressure during caesarean section with spinal anesthesia, ephedrine maintains frontal lobe oxygenation and maternal heart rate with a similar increase in fetal heart rate as elicited by phenylephrine.

TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinical trials NCT 01509521 and EudraCT 2001 006103 35.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Frontiers in Physiology
Vol/bind 5
Sider (fra-til) 81
ISSN 1664-042X
Status Udgivet - 2014

Effect of physical therapy on breast cancer related lymphedema: protocol for a multicenter, randomized, single-blind, equivalence trial

Tambour, M., Tange, B., Christensen, R. & Gram, B., 2014, I: B M C Cancer. 14, s. 239

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BACKGROUND: Physical therapy treatment of patients with lymphedema includes treatment based on the principles of 'Complete Decongestive Therapy' (CDT). CDT consists of the following components; skin care, manual lymphatic drainage, bandaging and exercises. The scientific evidence regarding what type of treatment is most effective is sparse. The objective of this study is to investigate whether CDT is equally effective if it includes manual lymphatic drainage or not in the treatment of arm lymphedema among patients with breast cancer.

METHODS/DESIGN: A randomized, single-blind, equivalence trial. A total of 160 breast cancer patients with arm lymphedema will be recruited from 3 hospitals and randomized into one of two treatment groups A: Complete Decongestive Therapy including manual drainage or B: Complete Decongestive Therapy without manual lymphatic drainage. The intervention period will be approximately 4 weeks followed by a 6 month follow-up period (7 months from baseline). Primary outcome variable: the percentage volume reduction of lymphedema (%) from baseline to 7 months. Secondary outcome variables: Differences from baseline to week 4 and from week 4 to month 7 in circumference of the arm (cm), body weight (kg), patient sensation of heaviness (scale range: 0-10), patient sensation of tension (scale range: 0-10), and quality of life (EQ-5D-5 L-questionnaire).All measurements are standardized and will be performed before randomization, after 4 weeks and after 7 months.

DISCUSSION: This randomized controlled study seeks to provide data on an effective treatment for patients with breast cancer related arm lymphedema and which at the same time causes minimal patient inconvenience.

TRIAL REGISTRATION: Identifier NCT02015897.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift B M C Cancer
Vol/bind 14
Sider (fra-til) 239
ISSN 1471-2407
Status Udgivet - 2014

Psoriasis is associated with obesity and other cardiovascular risk factors including endothelial dysfunction. We aimed to investigate the effects of weight loss on the cardiovascular risk profile of obese patients with psoriasis. A randomised controlled study was conducted in which we measured the microvascular endothelial function with peripheral arterial tonometry (PAT), selected plasma markers of endothelial function, and traditional cardiovascular risk factors in 60 obese patients with psoriasis. The participants were randomised to either low-energy diet (n = 30) providing 800-1,000 kcal/day for 8 weeks followed by 8 weeks of reduced food intake reaching 1,200 kcal/day or normal healthy foods (n = 30) for 16 weeks. The intervention group lost significantly more weight than controls, which resulted in significant reductions of diastolic blood pressure, resting heart rate, total cholesterol, VLDL cholesterol, triglyceride, plasma glucose, glycated haemoglobin, and tissue plasminogen activator inhibitor. Microvascular endothelial function assessed by PAT remained unchanged. We conclude that certain components of the cardiovascular risk profile of obese patients with psoriasis can be significantly improved by weight reduction.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Acta Dermatovenereologica
Vol/bind 94
Udgave nummer 6
Sider (fra-til) 691-4
Antal sider 4
ISSN 0001-5555
Status Udgivet - 20 feb. 2014

Effectiveness and drug adherence of biologic monotherapy in Danish rheumatoid arthritis patients: A cohort study of clinical practice in the DANBIO registry.

Jørgensen, T., Kristensen, L., Christensen, R., Bliddal, H., Lorenzen, T., Hansen, M., Østergaard, M., Jensen, J., Zanjani, L., Butt, S., Dam, M., Lindegaard, H., Espesen, J., Hendricks, O., Kumar, P., Kincses, A., Larsen, L., Andersen, M., Næser, E., Jensen, D., & 9 flereGrydehøj, J., Unger, B., Dufour, N., Sørensen, V., Vildhøj, S., Hansen, I., Raun, J., Krogh, N. & Hetland, M. L., 2014, I: Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 73, Suppl. 2, s. 613-4 2 s.

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Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
Vol/bind 73
Udgave nummer Suppl. 2
Sider (fra-til) 613-4
Antal sider 2
ISSN 0003-4967
Status Udgivet - 2014

Establishing a core domain set to measure rheumatoid arthritis flares: report of the OMERACT 11 RA flare Workshop

Bykerk, V. P., Lie, E., Bartlett, S. J., Alten, R., Boonen, A., Christensen, R., Furst, D. E., Hewlett, S., Leong, A. L., Lyddiatt, A., March, L., May, J. E., Montie, P., Orbai, A-M., Pohl, C., Scholte Voshaar, M., Woodworth, T., Bingham, C. O. & Choy, E. H., apr. 2014, I: Journal of Rheumatology. 41, 4, s. 799-809 11 s.

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OBJECTIVE: The OMERACT Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Flare Group (FG) is developing a data-driven, patient-inclusive, consensus-based RA flare definition for use in clinical trials, longterm observational studies, and clinical practice. At OMERACT 11, we sought endorsement of a proposed core domain set to measure RA flare.

METHODS: Patient and healthcare professional (HCP) qualitative studies, focus groups, and literature review, followed by patient and HCP Delphi exercises including combined Delphi consensus at Outcome Measures in Rheumatology 10 (OMERACT 10), identified potential domains to measure flare. At OMERACT 11, breakout groups discussed key domains and instruments to measure them, and proposed a research agenda. Patients were active research partners in all focus groups and domain identification activities. Processes for domain selection and patient partner involvement were case studies for OMERACT Filter 2.0 methodology.

RESULTS: A pre-meeting combined Delphi exercise for defining flare identified 9 domains as important (>70% consensus from patients or HCP). Four new patient-reported domains beyond those included in the RA disease activity core set were proposed for inclusion (fatigue, participation, stiffness, and self-management). The RA FG developed preliminary flare questions (PFQ) to measure domains. In combined plenary voting sessions, OMERACT 11 attendees endorsed the proposed RA core set to measure flare with ≥78% consensus and the addition of 3 additional domains to the research agenda for OMERACT 12.

CONCLUSION: At OMERACT 11, a core domain set to measure RA flare was ratified and endorsed by attendees. Domain validation aligning with Filter 2.0 is ongoing in new randomized controlled clinical trials and longitudinal observational studies using existing and new instruments including a set of PFQ.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Journal of Rheumatology
Vol/bind 41
Udgave nummer 4
Sider (fra-til) 799-809
Antal sider 11
ISSN 0315-162X
Status Udgivet - apr. 2014

Ethylmalonic encephalopathy ETHE1 R163W/R163Q mutations alter protein stability and redox properties of the iron centre

Henriques, B. J., Lucas, T. G., Rodrigues, J. V., Frederiksen, J. H., Teixeira, M. S., Tiranti, V., Bross, P. & Gomes, C. M., 2014, I: PLoS One. 9, 9, s. e107157

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Exercise training for chronic heart failure (ExTraMATCH II): protocol for an individual participant data meta-analysis

Taylor, R. S., Piepoli, M. F., Smart, N., Coats, A. J. S., Ellis, S., Dalal, H., O'Connor, C. M., Warren, F. C., Whellan, D., Ciani, O., ExTraMATCH II Collaborators & Zwisler, A-D. O., 1 jul. 2014, I: International Journal of Cardiology. 174, 3, s. 683-7 5 s.

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Extensively drug-resistant pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates containing blaVIM-2 and elements of Salmonella genomic island 2: a new genetic resistance determinant in Northeast Ohio

Perez, F., Hujer, A. M., Marshall, S. H., Ray, A. J., Rather, P. N., Suwantarat, N., Dumford, D., O'Shea, P., Domitrovic, T. N. J., Salata, R. A., Chavda, K. D., Chen, L., Kreiswirth, B. N., Vila, A. J., Haussler, S., Jacobs, M. R. & Bonomo, R. A., okt. 2014, I: Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 58, 10, s. 5929-35 7 s.

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Factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding of preterm infants: Results from a prospective national cohort study

Maastrup, R., Hansen, B. M., Kronborg, H., Bojesen, S. N., Hallum, K., Frandsen, A. & Hallström, I., 2014, I: MCN The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing. 39, 6, s. 384 1 s.

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