Program Collaborators
The Physiotherapy and Biomechanics Research Unit collaborates very closely with the other research groups, units and laboratories at The Parker Institute - in particular, the Musculoskeletal Statistics Unit, Imaging Unit, and Biochemistry and Physiology laboratory.
Collaborators within Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital
Department of Physiotherapy (Morten Østergaard, Lone Schaadt)
Department of Radiology (Mikael Boesen, Rasmus Bouert)
Coordinating Research unit (Jesper Mehlsen, Louise ???)
National Collaborators
University of Copenhagen
Department of neuroscience and pharmacology
Associate professor Tine Alkjær Eriksen
Associate professor Erik Bruun Simonsen)
Department of public health (Prof Henning Langberg)
University of Southern Denmark
The Research Unit for Musculoskeletal Function and Physiotherapy
Associate professor Hans Lund
Aalborg University
Center for Sensorimotor Interaction (SMI)
Professor Thomas Graven-Nielsen
University Hospital Hvidovre
Thomas Bandholm
International Collaborators
Centre for Sport, Exercise and Osteoarthritis
Professor Mark Batt
East Carolina University
Professor Paul DeVita
Wake Forest University
Professor Stephen P Messier
Stanford University
Professor Thomas P Andriacchi
Sidney University
Professor David Hunter
Australian Catholic University
Mark Creaby
University of Melbourne
Professor Kim Bennell
Deakin University
Professor Richard Osborne
Lund University
Professor Stefan Lohmander
McMaster University
Associate Professor Monica Maly