Melanie Morillon received her medical degree from University of southern Denmark in 2007. Since 2007 she has been employed primarily in internal medicine, rheumatology at University Hospital Odense and department of internal medicine, rheumatology at Svendborg hospital. In 2010 she began her specialist training in rheumatology which will be completed january 2017.
Melanies research field in rhumatology is Gout, and in 2013 she started a Gout Clinic at Svendborg hospital during her rheumatological specialty training.
Melanie is involved in research as part of the OMERACT gout working group, while planning her ph.d project on Gout and comorbidity. She has been teaching physiotherapist students in rheumatic diseases at University College Lillebælt, and is board member at the associaton of young rheumatologists in Denmark.