Dorthe Bang Berthelsen graduated from the Næstved School of Physiotherapy in 2000. She has more than 15 years of clinical experience as a physiotherapist including clinical supervision of physiotherapy students at Nykøbing F Hospital and the Municipality of Guldborgsund.
In 2015 she started her Master of Science in Physiotherapy at University of Southern Denmark, and graduated in 2017. Her Master’s Thesis in Clinical Epidemiology “Comparison of Treatment Effect Sizes Associated With Patient-Reported and Non-Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Randomized Controlled Trials - A Meta-Epidemiological Study” was written in collaboration with Musculoskeletal Statistics Unit, the Parker Institute with Robin Christensen as the main supervisor.
Dorthe is working at the Department of Rehabilitation at the Municipality of Guldborgsund as a physiotherapist responsible for the quality and the development of rehabilitation and health promotion programs.
Currently Dorthe is - via her affiliation with MSU, the Parker Institute - involved with some innovative global initiatives focusing on the development of a Core Outcome Set for safety aspects in clinical trials of rheumatology. The project is of international scope and involves partners from the network “Outcome Measures in Rheumatology” (OMERACT) initiative.