Published in 1990

Advances in Pain research and Therapy Volume 17

Andersen, R. B., Jacobsen, S., Danneskiold-Samsøe, B. & Bartels, E. M., 1990, Advances in Pain research and Therapy Volume 17. Bind 296-76.

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Originalsprog Engelsk
Titel Advances in Pain research and Therapy Volume 17
Vol/bind 296-76
Publikationsdato 1990
Status Udgivet - 1990

Lymphopenia in heavy drinkers - reversibility and relation to the duration of drinking episodes

Tønnesen, H., Andersen, J. R., Pedersen, A. E. & Kaiser, A. H., 1990, I: Annals of Medicine.

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Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Annals of Medicine
ISSN 0785-3890
Status Udgivet - 1990

Metronidazole elimination is preserved in the elderly

Loft, S., Egsmose, C., Sonne, J., Poulsen, H. E., Døssing, M. & Andreasen, P. B., maj 1990, I: Human & Experimental Toxicology. 9, 3, s. 155-9 5 s.

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1 The disposition of metronidazole and its major metabolites was compared in 11 subjects aged 86 +/- 6 years and 8 aged 30 +/- 6 years. 2 The plasma clearance of metronidazole was 1.20 +/- 0.53 and 1.25 +/- 0.22 ml min-1 kg-1, the volume of distribution 0.77 +/- 0.27 and 0.77 +/- 0.09 1 kg-1 and the half-life 7.8 +/- 1.9 and 7.2 +/- 0.9 h in elderly and young subjects, respectively (P less than 0.05). 3 The area under the plasma concentration-time curve of the hydroxy metabolite was 32 +/- 14 and 21 +/- 3 mM min-1 (P less than 0.05) whereas its half-life was 21 +/- 14 and 12 +/- 2 h (P less than 0.05) in the elderly and young subjects, respectively. 4 The recovery in the urine of metronidazole and its metabolites was 42 +/- 21% and 87 +/- 6% of dose in elderly and young subjects, respectively (P less than 0.05). With this reservation the only elimination pathways of metronidazole affected by old age were the renal excretion of unchanged compound and the hydroxy metabolite. 5 It is concluded that the ability to eliminate metronidazole is preserved in old age and that age-related dose adjustments are not necessary.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Human & Experimental Toxicology
Vol/bind 9
Udgave nummer 3
Sider (fra-til) 155-9
Antal sider 5
ISSN 0960-3271
Status Udgivet - maj 1990

Migraeneauraen--karsygdom eller neuronsygdom?

Olsen, T. S., Friberg, L. & Lassen, N. A. 21 maj 1990 I : Ugeskrift for Laeger. 152, 21, s. 1507-9 3 s.

Publikation: Forskning - peer reviewTidsskriftartikel

During the migraine-aura cerebral blood flow (CBF) is reduced in areas corresponding to the neurological deficits and symptoms. Whether this CBF reduction is the primary cause of the neurological deficits (the vascular theory) or a secondary result of primary neuronal dysfunction in particular "spreading depression" (SD) (the neurogenic theory) is still under discussion. The latter theory is supported by CBF investigations performed during attacks of migraine with aura (MA). The CBF reduction was found to be modest (20-35%) and not sufficient to cause ischemia which usually demands reduction of CBF by more than 50%. In addition the low-flow area appeared to "spreading" in the same manner as that seen in SD in the rat ("spreading oligemia"). Recent studies indicate, however, that the CBF reduction in most cases, after all, is sufficient to cause ischemia and that "spreading oligemia" might be an artifact caused by "scattered radiation". Persistent neurological deficits, EEG abnormalities and infarcts on CT-scans are seen after MA, thus further supporting the theory of vascular dysfunction (vasospasm) and ischemia as the cause of the migraine-aura.
Originalsprog Dansk
Tidsskrift Ugeskrift for Laeger
Udgivelsesdato 21 maj 1990
Vol/bind 152
Tidsskriftsnummer 21
Sider 1507-9
Antal sider 3
ISSN 0041-5782
Status Udgivet

Prevention of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia relapse by aerosolised pentamidine, 60 mg biweekly, using an Acorn System 22 nebuliser

Jensen, B. N., Nielsen, T. L., Lerche, B., Jensen, T. H., Backer, V., Mathiesen, L., Nielsen, J. O. & Skinhøj, P., 1990, I: Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases. 22, 5, s. 533-6 4 s.

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Primary fibromyalgia: clinical parameters in relation to serum procollagen type III aminoterminal peptide

Jacobsen, S., Jensen, L. T., Foldager, M. V. & Danneskiold-Samsøe, B., jun. 1990, I: British Journal of Rheumatology. 29, 3, s. 174-7 4 s.

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Serum concentrations of procollagen type III aminoterminal peptide have previously been reported to be low in some patients with primary fibromyalgia and the aim of this study was to determine if such patients differ clinically from primary fibromyalgia patients with normal levels of procollagen type III aminoterminal peptide. Subjective symptoms, tender points and dynamic muscle strength in 45 women with primary fibromyalgia were related to serum concentrations of procollagen type III aminoterminal peptide. Patients with low serum concentrations of procollagen type III aminoterminal peptide had more symptoms, a higher frequency of tender points and lesser quality of sleep compared to patients with normal serum concentrations of procollagen type III aminoterminal peptide (P less than 0.05). They also had a lower dynamic muscle strength (P less than 0.0005). We conclude that the serum concentrations of procollagen type III aminoterminal peptide of primary fibromyalgia patients are connected to the disease impact.
Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift British Journal of Rheumatology
Vol/bind 29
Udgave nummer 3
Sider (fra-til) 174-7
Antal sider 4
ISSN 0263-7103
Status Udgivet - jun. 1990

Pulmonary pathogens in HIV-infected patients

Jensen, B. N., Gerstoft, J., Højlyng, N., Backer, V., Paaske, M., Gomme, G. & Skinhøj, P., 1990, I: Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases. 22, 4, s. 413-20 8 s.

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Risk factors for cervical human papillomavirus and herpes simplex virus infections in Greenland and Denmark: a population-based study

Kjaer, S. K., Engholm, G., Teisen, C., Haugaard, B. J., Lynge, E., Christensen, R. B., Møller, K. A., Jensen, H., Poll, P. & Vestergaard, B. F., apr. 1990, I: American Journal of Epidemiology. 131, 4, s. 669-82 14 s.

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Screening for autoantibodies in patients with primary fibromyalgia syndrome and a matched control group

Jacobsen, S., Høyer-Madsen, M., Danneskiold-Samsøe, B. & Wiik, A., jul. 1990, I: APMIS : acta pathologica, microbiologica, et immunologica Scandinavica. 98, 7, s. 655-8 4 s.

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Primary fibromyalgia syndrome (PFS) is a non-articular rheumatic condition characterized by chronic muscular pain. We have performed screening for autoantibodies in 20 women with PFS and in 19 age-matched healthy women. Fifty-five percent of the PFS patients had anti-smooth muscle antibodies and 40% had anti-striated muscle antibodies. None of the control subjects had any muscle antibodies. There was no significant difference in frequency of the remaining autoantibodies between the groups investigated. The present study indicates autoimmune responses in PFS against antigens of the diseased tissue itself, a finding which may be secondary to the disease or have relevance to the still obscure pathogenesis of the syndrome.
Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift APMIS : acta pathologica, microbiologica, et immunologica Scandinavica
Vol/bind 98
Udgave nummer 7
Sider (fra-til) 655-8
Antal sider 4
ISSN 0903-4641
Status Udgivet - jul. 1990

Seksualvaner hos 20-39 årige kvinder. En sammenligning af 3 populationsbaserede undersøgelser fra Nykøbing Falster, København og Nuuk/Godthåb

Kjaer, S. K., Dahl, C., Bock, J. E., Christensen, R. B., Lynge, E., Engholm, G. & Jensen, O. M., 17 sep. 1990, I: Ugeskrift for Laeger. 152, 38, s. 2727-31 5 s.

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Severe non-occlusive ischemic stroke in young heroid addicts

Jensen, R., Olsen, T. S. & Winther, BB., 1990, I: Acta Neurologica Scandinavica. s. 354-7 4 s.

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Originalsprog Dansk
Tidsskrift Acta Neurologica Scandinavica
Sider (fra-til) 354-7
Antal sider 4
ISSN 0001-6314
Status Udgivet - 1990

Surecut 0.6 mm liver biopsy in the diagnosis of cirrhosis

Torp-Pedersen, S., Vyberg, M., Smith, E., Højgaard, L., Hansen, U., Stadeager, C., Schlichting, P., Juul, N. & Gluud, C., aug. 1990, I: Liver. 10, 4, s. 217-20 4 s.

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Liver biopsy with the 0.6 mm (23 gauge) Surecut needle was compared to conventional Menghini biopsy in the diagnosis of cirrhosis. Seventy-seven consecutive patients (mainly alcoholics) with a clinical indication for liver biopsy had both biopsies performed simultaneously. In 71 patients sufficient material for a morphological diagnosis concerning liver architecture was obtained with both biopsy techniques (Surecut insufficient in 5 cases and Menghini insufficient in 2 cases). The biopsies were classified as cirrhosis or non-cirrhosis. There was agreement in 69 cases (97%, confidence limits 90-100%). Using the result of the Menghini biopsy as the final diagnosis, the predictive values for a positive and negative diagnosis for the Surecut needle were 96% and 98%, respectively. There were no complications to either of the biopsies. It is suggested that the 0.6 mm Surecut biopsy may be used in the diagnosis of cirrhosis in cases where conventional Menghini needle biopsy is contraindicated.
Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Liver
Vol/bind 10
Udgave nummer 4
Sider (fra-til) 217-20
Antal sider 4
ISSN 0106-9543
Status Udgivet - aug. 1990
Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Annals of Neurology
Udgivelsesdato 1990
Sider 791-8
Antal sider 8
ISSN 0364-5134
Status Udgivet
Ten years of study has resulted in considerable but fragmented knowledge about regional cerebral blood flow in migraine with aura (classic migraine). In the present study, the number of repeatedly studied patients (n = 63) was large enough to determine statistically significant sequences of events and statistically significant spatial relations. The first observable event was a decrease of regional cerebral blood flow posteriorly in one cerebral hemisphere. Further development of this pathological process was accompanied by the aura symptoms. Thereafter headache occurred while regional cerebral blood flow remained decreased. During the headache phase, regional cerebral blood flow gradually changed from abnormally low to abnormally high without apparent change in headache. In some patients headache disappeared while regional cerebral blood flow remained increased. Although regional cerebral blood flow reduction and aura symptoms in the great majority of patients were unilateral, one-third had bilateral headache. Unilateral headache usually localized to the side on which regional cerebral blood flow was reduced and from which the aura symptoms originated (i.e., aura symptoms were perceived to occur contralaterally but presumably originated in the hypoperfused hemisphere). Our results suggest a simple model for migraine attacks: A pathological disturbance in one cerebral hemisphere causes the aura symptoms and after a time delay, it also causes the headache by stimulating local vascular nociceptors. Bilateral headache caused by a unilateral cerebral disturbance may be explained by recent neuroanatomical and neurophysiological findings.
Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Annals of Neurology
Udgivelsesdato dec 1990
Vol/bind 28
Tidsskriftsnummer 6
Sider 791-8
Antal sider 8
ISSN 0364-5134
Status Udgivet

Transperineal seed-implantation guided by biplanar transrectal ultrasound

Holm, H. H., Torp-Pedersen, S. & Myschetzky, P. 1990 I : Urology. 36, 3, s. 249-52 4 s.

Publikation: Forskning - peer reviewTidsskriftartikel

A new method for precise transperineal placement of therapeutic sources in prostatic cancer is described. The method is a modification of the technique described in 1983 by Holm and coworkers. Insertion of needles is monitored by transverse as well as longitudinal transrectal ultrasound.
Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Urology
Udgivelsesdato 1990
Vol/bind 36
Tidsskriftsnummer 3
Sider 249-52
Antal sider 4
ISSN 0090-4295
Status Udgivet

Published in 1989

HPV-infektion og livmoderhalskraeft

Bock, J., Jensen, O. M., Kjaer, S. K., Lynge, E., Melbye, M. & Norrild, B., 16 jan. 1989, I: Ugeskrift for Laeger. 151, 3, s. 182-3 2 s.

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Incidence, prevalence and time trends of genital HPV infection determined by clinical examination and cytology

Kjaer, S. K. & Lynge, E., 1989, I: IARC scientific publications. 94, s. 113-24 12 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewpeer review

Menstrual disturbances and fertility in chronic alcoholic women

Becker, U., Tønnesen, H., Kaas-Claesson, N. & Gluud, C., aug. 1989, I: Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 24, 1, s. 75-82 8 s.

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Data on menstrual pattern, gynecological disorders and infertility were obtained from 51 chronic alcoholic women aged 20--42 years attending an outpatient clinic for alcoholics, using 51 randomly drawn age-matched healthy women as controls. A higher variability (P less than 0.05) in the duration of both menstrual cycle and menstrual flow was recorded in the chronic alcoholic women during active alcoholism. A higher frequency (P less than 0.05) of menstrual disturbances (70% vs. 55%) and uterine curettages (38% vs. 16%) were found in the alcoholic women. The latter reported more abortions (63% vs. 28%, P less than 0.001) and miscarriages (23% vs. 8%, P less than 0.05) than controls, but due to a higher number of pregnancies in the alcoholic group the proportion of abortions and miscarriages did not differ significantly. No differences existed between the groups regarding frequency of difficult conception. Social classification had no independent influence on the results. The study shows that chronic alcoholic women are more prone to menstrual abnormalities and are at greater risk of gynecological interventions, while they do not seem to have reduced fertility.
Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Drug and Alcohol Dependence
Vol/bind 24
Udgave nummer 1
Sider (fra-til) 75-82
Antal sider 8
ISSN 0376-8716
Status Udgivet - aug. 1989

Non-elite marathon runners: health, training and injuries

Hølmich, P., Christensen, S. W., Darre, E., Jahnsen, F. & Hartvig, T. sep. 1989 I : British Journal of Sports Medicine. 23, 3, s. 177-8 2 s.

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A questionnaire was given to all participants of the Wonderful Copenhagen Marathon 1986 regarding demographic information, health, training, previous injuries and methods used to prevent these. A total load of 2158 Danish runners participated and 1426 (68 per cent) replied. Fifty per cent of the runners were training 30-60 km per week and 25 per cent more than 60 km per week. Forty-one per cent were members of running clubs. The runners were equally distributed between all social groups. Most runners were slim (mean BMI 22.3 +/- 1.87 (SD)), healthy, non-smokers who rarely suffered from serious injuries, but 31 per cent had had injuries that prevented them from training during the last year. Nearly all performed stretching exercises and methods to avoid injuries. Fifty per cent of the runners tried to optimize their performance by changing their diet in the days before the run. Seventeen per cent used the classical high carbohydrate diet and 33 per cent other special diets.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift British Journal of Sports Medicine
Vol/bind 23
Tidsskriftsnummer 3
Sider (fra-til) 177-8
Antal sider 2
ISSN 0306-3674
Status Udgivet - sep. 1989
