Published in 1994

In 92 migraine patients and 44 healthy control subjects we recorded regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) with single photon emission computerized tomography and (133) Xe inhalation or with i.v. (99m) Tc-HMPAO. Migraine patients were studied interictally. A quantitated analysis of right-left asymmetry indices in a fixed set of regions of interest was compared with the normal asymmetry indices in the healthy controls. An asymmetry index deviating more than ± 2.5 S.D.s in normals was defined as pathological asymmetry. By quantitated analysis 47% of images from patients with aura attacks and 48% of images from patients without aura attacks were established to contain higher rate of asymmetries, the difference being statistically significant (p < 0.05, Wilcoxon). A blinded visual analysis and scoring by a four level scale were done by four experienced observers. rCBF images from 18% of patients having attacks with aura and from 19% of patients without aura attacks was scored as containing abnormal right-left asymmetries by the visual analysis. Images from healthy controls were all scored to be normal. In 37% of the images (all from patients) there was lack of consensus among observers (κ = 0.28). There was no correlation between visual or quantitated abnormalities and age, duration of migraine, frequency of attacks or prophylactic medication. No correlation could be established between asymmetries and the usual side of headache or aura symptoms. Two conclusions emerged: (1) visual evaluation of interictal migraine rCBF images is insufficient to pick up abnormalities; (2) almost 50% of the migraine sufferers had abnormal rCBF/asymmetries. However, these are discrete compared with those typically seen during the aura phase of a migraine attack. One explanation to the patchy rCBF patterns might be that they reflect interictal cerebrovascular dysregulation which might to be a common feature in both types of migraine.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift European journal of neurology : the official journal of the European Federation of Neurological Societies
Udgivelsesdato sep 1994
Vol/bind 1
Tidsskriftsnummer 1
Sider 35-43
Antal sider 9
ISSN 1351-5101
Status Udgivet

Magnetisk resonans-spektroskopi ved fibromyalgi. En undersøgelse af fosfat-31 spektra fra skeletmuskulaturen i hvile, under og efter arbejde

Jacobsen, S., Jensen, K. E., Thomsen, C., Danneskiold-Samsøe, B. & Henriksen, O., 14 nov. 1994, I: Ugeskrift for Laeger. 156, 46, s. 6841-4 4 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

31phosphorus nuclear magnetic resonance (31P NMR) spectroscopy of painful calf muscle was performed in 12 patients with fibromyalgia and 7 healthy subjects during rest, aerobic and anaerobic exercising conditions, and postexercise recovery. Ratios of inorganic phosphate and creatine phosphate (Pi/PCr) and pH were calculated from the collected 31P NMR spectra. Resting values of Pi/PCr were normal in the patients. Patients only tolerated 49% of the workload tolerated by the controls (P = 0.005). Patients and controls had similar rates of Pi/PCr and pH changes during work and recovery. The controls were able to change their Pi/PCr and pH more than the patients, due to the greater workload reached. However, statistical significance was only reached for the anaerobic static exercise (P = 0.003). It was concluded that fibromyalgia patients have a reduced voluntary capacity for work, but with a biochemical response to work and recovery similar to healthy subjects.
Bidragets oversatte titel Magnetic resonance spectroscopy in fibromyalgia. A study of phosphate-31 spectra from skeletal muscles during rest and after exercise
Originalsprog Dansk
Tidsskrift Ugeskrift for Laeger
Vol/bind 156
Udgave nummer 46
Sider (fra-til) 6841-4
Antal sider 4
ISSN 0041-5782
Status Udgivet - 14 nov. 1994

Monoclonal IgA class-switch variants against bacterial surface antigens: molecular forms and transport into murine respiratory secretions

Steinmetz, I., Albrecht, F., Häussler, S. & Brenneke, B., nov. 1994, I: European Journal of Immunology. 24, 11, s. 2855-62 8 s.

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Prevalence of HPV in premalignant and malignant cervical lesions in Greenland and Denmark: PCR and in situ hybridization analysis on archival material

Sebbelov, A. M., Svendsen, C., Jensen, H., Kjaer, S. K. & Norrild, B., 1994, I: Research in virology. 145, 2, s. 83-92 10 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

Risikofaktorer for prostatacancer

Friis, S., Kjaer, S. K. & Storm, H. H., 6 jun. 1994, I: Ugeskrift for Laeger. 156, 23, s. 3485-90 6 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewpeer review

Sammenhængen mellem kost, ernæringstilstand og prostatacancer

Friis, S., Kjaer, S. K., Tjønneland, A. M., Svare, E. I. & Dahl, C., 6 jun. 1994, I: Ugeskrift for Laeger. 156, 23, s. 3478-84 7 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewpeer review

Serum ferritin in children and adolescents. Results from population surveys in 1979 and 1986 comprising 1312 individuals

Milman, N., Backer, V., Laursen, E. M., Graudal, N., Ibsen, K. K. & Jordal, R., jul. 1994, I: European Journal of Haematology. 53, 1, s. 16-20 5 s.

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Usefulness of repeated measurements of bronchial hyperresponsiveness for the diagnosis of occupational asthma

Ulrik, C. S., Backer, V. & Skov, P. G., 1994, I: The Journal of asthma : official journal of the Association for the Care of Asthma. 31, 1, s. 35-42 8 s.

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What is the role of alcoholism in GER (gastroesophageal reflux) and esophagitis?

Tønnesen, H., 1994, The Esophageal Mucosa. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review

Originalsprog Engelsk
Titel The Esophageal Mucosa
Udgivelsessted Amsterdam
Forlag Elsevier Science
Publikationsdato 1994
Status Udgivet - 1994

Published in 1993

The primary objectives of this study were to examine to what extent fibromyalgia patients later on developed presumpted causative somatic diseases and to examine symptoms and muscle strength some years after the diagnosis of fibromyalgia was established. A secondary objective was to describe the overlap between fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Only in two of 91 the muscle pain was found to be caused by another somatic disease during the median 4 year follow-up period. In one of the 83 attending subjects a somatic disease associated with muscle symptoms was established at the follow-up visit. 60 out of 83 reported increased pain, 8 reported improvement of pain. The 83 subjects showed no significant fall in muscle strength during the follow-up period. The majority reported severe fatigue but only one fifth fulfilled the proposed chronic fatigue syndrome criteria.
Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology
Vol/bind 22
Udgave nummer 1
Sider (fra-til) 35-8
Antal sider 4
ISSN 0300-9742
Status Udgivet - 1993

Adenocarcinomas of the uterine cervix: the epidemiology of an increasing problem

Kjaer, S. K. & Brinton, L. A., 1993, I: Epidemiologic Reviews. 15, 2, s. 486-98 13 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewpeer review

Aerosolized pentamidine for primary prophylaxis of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia: a controlled, randomized trial

Jensen, B. N., Nielsen, T. L., Backer, V., Nelsing, S., Simonsen, L., Flaschs, H., Gaub, J., Højlyng, N., Nielsen, J. O. & Mathiesen, L., maj 1993, I: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 6, 5, s. 472-7 6 s.

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Allergi og bronkial reaktivitet hos børn og unge fra København

Backer, V., Ulrik, C. S., Hansen, K. K., Laursen, E. M., Dirksen, A. & Bach-Mortensen, N., 6 dec. 1993, I: Ugeskrift for Laeger. 155, 49, s. 3982-6 5 s.

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Bone mass and turnover in fibromyalgia

Jacobsen, S., Gam, A., Egsmose, C., Olsen, M., Danneskiold-Samsøe, B. & Jensen, G. F., maj 1993, I: Journal of Rheumatology. 20, 5, s. 856-9 4 s.

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Physical inactivity accelerates bone loss. Since patients with fibromyalgia are relatively physically inactive, bone mass and markers of bone metabolism were determined in 12 premenopausal women with fibromyalgia and in healthy age matched female control subjects. No differences were found in lumbar bone mineral density, femoral neck bone mineral density, serum levels of alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin, ionized calcium and phosphate. The urinary excretion of both hydroxyproline and calcium relative to urinary creatinine excretion was significantly higher in patients with fibromyalgia, p = 0.01. This was linked to lower urinary creatinine excretion (p = 0.02) probably reflecting lower physical activity in the patients with fibromyalgia. We conclude that bone mass and turnover are generally not affected in premenopausal women with fibromyalgia.
Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Journal of Rheumatology
Vol/bind 20
Udgave nummer 5
Sider (fra-til) 856-9
Antal sider 4
ISSN 0315-162X
Status Udgivet - maj 1993

Case-control study of risk factors for cervical squamous-cell neoplasia in Denmark. III. Role of oral contraceptive use

Kjaer, S. K., Engholm, G., Dahl, C., Bock, J. E., Lynge, E. & Jensen, O. M., nov. 1993, I: Cancer Causes and Control. 4, 6, s. 513-9 7 s.

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Central venous oxygen saturation during hypovolaemic shock in humans

Madsen, P., Iversen, H. & Secher, N. H., 1993, I: Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation. 53, 1, s. 67-72 6 s.

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Clinical features in patients with chronic muscle pain--with special reference to fibromyalgia

Jacobsen, S., Petersen, I. S. & Danneskiold-Samsøe, B., 1993, I: Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology. 22, 2, s. 69-76 8 s.

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Clinical characteristics were studied in patients with chronic muscle pain, divided into three groups according to the characteristics of their pain; "fibromyalgia" (n = 23), "widespread muscle pain" (n = 21), and "regional muscle pain" (n = 28). Typical fibromyalgia features were also seen in the other groups of patients, but not to the same extent. In particular, sleep disturbance, subjective swelling, cold and exercise intolerance and low self-reported physical performance were significantly related to fibromyalgia. The major components of fibromyalgia were not wholly different compared with other European and North American studies, except for sleep disturbance and subjective swelling, which was somewhat more pronounced in this study. The most used medications in fibromyalgia patients at referral were analgesics, anxiolytic drugs and female sex hormones. Medication in fibromyalgia was not excessive and seemed appropriate compared to the other patient groups. Effects of various biases and classification criteria on the results of fibromyalgia studies are discussed. The characteristic features of fibromyalgia, its stability when diagnosed and the promotion of research and patient management justify the current classification of fibromyalgia at this stage.
Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology
Vol/bind 22
Udgave nummer 2
Sider (fra-til) 69-76
Antal sider 8
ISSN 0300-9742
Status Udgivet - 1993

Fibromyalgia in the adult Danish population: I. A prevalence study

Prescott, E., Kjøller, M., Jacobsen, S., Bülow, P. M., Danneskiold-Samsøe, B. & Kamper-Jørgensen, F., 1993, I: Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology. 22, 5, s. 233-7 5 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

Epidemiologic studies of fibromyalgia have so far been based on rheumatologic and general practice settings, which are poor proxies for the underlying population. The study is based on a national health interview survey carried out by the Danish Institute for Clinical Epidemiology in 1990/91 on approx. 6000 randomly selected Danish citizens. For this study 1219 subjects from the eastern part of Denmark aged 18 to 79 years were asked about widespread muscle pain. One-hundred-and-twenty-three persons fulfilled the screening criteria. Clinical examination could be performed on 65 persons (53%). Eight subjects, all female, met the 1990 American College of Rheumatism criteria for fibromyalgia. Dropouts were regarded as not having fibromyalgia. The prevalence of fibromyalgia in the Danish population between 18 and 79 years of age was found to be a minimum estimate of 0.66% (95% confidence limits 0.28%-1.29%).
Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology
Vol/bind 22
Udgave nummer 5
Sider (fra-til) 233-7
Antal sider 5
ISSN 0300-9742
Status Udgivet - 1993

Fibromyalgia in the adult Danish population: II. A study of clinical features

Prescott, E., Jacobsen, S., Kjøller, M., Bülow, P. M., Danneskiold-Samsøe, B. & Kamper-Jørgensen, F. 1993 I : Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology. 22, 5, s. 238-42 5 s.

Publikation: Forskning - peer reviewTidsskriftartikel

Clinical characteristics of fibromyalgia have so far been based mainly on patients identified in rheumatologic settings. This paper offers the clinical findings in fibromyalgia based on a national health interview survey, in which 123 persons fulfilled preset criteria for widespread pain. Clinical examination could be performed on 65 subjects (53%) and included physical examination, tender point palpation by two blinded trained physicians, blood sample analysis, measurement of dynamic muscular strength and a detailed self-administered questionnaire. Significantly more subjective swelling, fatigue, headache, difficulty in stair-climbing, and poorer self-evaluated health with more tender points was found. Contrary to that which was expected, fibromyalgia subjects did not suffer from sleep disturbances, irritable bowels or morning stiffness. Our findings indicate that clinical characteristics of fibromyalgia in the general population may differ from those found in rheumatological settings.
Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology
Udgivelsesdato 1993
Vol/bind 22
Tidsskriftsnummer 5
Sider 238-42
Antal sider 5
ISSN 0300-9742
Status Udgivet

Forløbet af asthma bronchiale hos voksne. Faktorer af betydning for det årlige tab af lungefunktion

Ulrik, C. S., Backer, V. & Dirksen, A., 22 mar. 1993, I: Ugeskrift for Laeger. 155, 12, s. 867-71 5 s.

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