Published in 1998

Risk factors for HPV detection in archival Pap smears. A population-based study from Greenland and Denmark

Svare, E. I., Kjaer, S. K., Smits, H. L., Poll, P., Tjong-A-Hung, S. P. & ter Schegget, J., jul. 1998, I: European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990). 34, 8, s. 1230-4 5 s.

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Risk factors for HPV infection in women from sexually transmitted disease clinics: comparison between two areas with different cervical cancer incidence

Svare, E. I., Kjaer, S. K., Worm, A. M., Osterlind, A., Moi, H., Christensen, R. B., Meijer, C. J., Walboomers, J. M. & van den Brule, A. J., 5 jan. 1998, I: International Journal of Cancer. 75, 1, s. 1-8 8 s.

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Sociodemographic predictors of treatment outcome in chronic non-malignant pain patients. Do patients receiving or applying for disability pension benefit from multidisciplinary pain treatment?

Becker, N., Højsted, J., Sjøgren, P. & Eriksen, J., sep. 1998, I: Pain. 77, 3, s. 279-287 9 s.

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The influence of P(a)O2, pH and S(a)O2 on maximal oxygen uptake

Nielsen, H. B., Madsen, P., Svendsen, L. B., Roach, R. C. & Secher, N. H., 1998, I: Acta Physiologica Scandinavica. 164, 1, s. 89-97 9 s.

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Tolerance to head-up tilt and suspension with elevated legs

Madsen, P., Svendsen, L. B., Jørgensen, L. G., Matzen, S., Jansen, E. & Secher, N. H., aug. 1998, I: Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine. 69, 8, s. 781-784 4 s.

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Published in 1997

Acute meningococcal meningitis: analysis of features of the disease according to the age of 255 patients. Copenhagen Meningitis Study Group

Andersen, J., Backer, V., Voldsgaard, P., Skinhøj, P. & Wandall, J. H., maj 1997, I: Journal of Infection. 34, 3, s. 227-35 9 s.

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Alcohol drinking, social class, cancer occurrence and complications after surgical procedures

Møller, H. & Tønnesen, H., 1997, I: IARC Scientific Publ. 138

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Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift IARC Scientific Publ
Vol/bind 138
Status Udgivet - 1997

Avoidable cancers in the Nordic countries. Biological agents

Winther, J. F., Møller, H., Tryggvadottir, L. & Kjaer, S. K., 1997, I: APMIS. Supplementum. 76, s. 120-31 12 s.

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CAG repeat expansion in autosomal dominant pure spastic paraplegia linked to chromosome 2p21-p24

Nielsen, J. E., Koefoed, P., Abell, K., Hasholt, L., Eiberg, H., Fenger, K., Niebuhr, E. & Sørensen, S. A., okt. 1997, I: Human Molecular Genetics. 6, 11, s. 1811-6 6 s.

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Cardiovascular actions of chronic intracerebroventricular administration of metformin in normotensive rats

Andersen, D., Haugan, K., Sørensen, A. M., Christensen, S. & Petersen, J. S., jul. 1997, I: Pharmacology and Toxicology. 81, 1, s. 7-12 6 s.

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Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, anogenital cancer, and other cancer types in women after hospitalization for condylomata acuminata

Friis, S., Kjaer, S. K., Frisch, M., Mellemkjaer, L. & Olsen, J. H., apr. 1997, I: The Journal of infectious diseases. 175, 4, s. 743-8 6 s.

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Congestive heart failure in rats is associated with increased expression and targeting of aquaporin-2 water channel in collecting duct

Nielsen, S., Terris, J., Andersen, D., Ecelbarger, C., Frokiaer, J., Jonassen, T., Marples, D., Knepper, M. A. & Petersen, J. S., 13 maj 1997, I: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 94, 10, s. 5450-5 6 s.

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Connective tissue disease and other rheumatic conditions following breast implants in Denmark

Friis, S., Mellemkjaer, L., McLaughlin, J. K., Breiting, V., Kjaer, S. K., Blot, W. & Olsen, J. H., jul. 1997, I: Annals of Plastic Surgery. 39, 1, s. 1-8 8 s.

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Determinants for contraceptive use in young, single, Danish women from the general population

Svare, E. I., Kjaer, S. K., Poll, P. & Bock, J. E., maj 1997, I: Contraception. 55, 5, s. 287-94 8 s.

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Double-blind, placebo-controlled cross-over study of intravenous S-adenosyl-L-methionine in patients with fibromyalgia

Volkmann, H., Nørregaard, J., Jacobsen, S., Danneskiold-Samsøe, B., Knoke, G. & Nehrdich, D., 1997, I: Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology. 26, 3, s. 206-11 6 s.

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The objective of this study was to test the efficacy of intravenously administered S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe) in patients with fibromyalgia (FM). Thirty-four out-patients with fibromyalgia symptoms received SAMe 600 mg i.v. or placebo daily for 10 days in a cross-over trial. There was no significant difference in improvement in the primary outcome: tender point change between the two treatment groups. There was a tendency towards statistical significance in favour of SAMe on subjective perception of pain at rest (p = 0.08), pain on movement (p = 0.11), and overall well-being (p = 0.17) and slight improvement only on fatigue, quality of sleep, morning stiffness, and on the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire for pain. No effect could be observed on isokinetic muscle strength, Zerrsen self-assessment questionnaire, and the face scale. No effect of SAMe in patients with FM was found in this short term study.
Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology
Vol/bind 26
Udgave nummer 3
Sider (fra-til) 206-11
Antal sider 6
ISSN 0300-9742
Status Udgivet - 1997

History of genital warts in 10,838 women 20 to 29 years of age from the general population. Risk factors and association with Papanicolaou smear history

Munk, C., Svare, E. I., Poll, P., Bock, J. E. & Kjaer, S. K., nov. 1997, I: Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 24, 10, s. 567-72 6 s.

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Human myocardial and skeletal muscular Na,K-ATPase in relation to digoxin therapy of heart failure

Schmidt, T. A., 1997, 499 s. Danish Medical Bulletin.

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Impaired autoregulation of GFR in hypertensive non-insulin dependent diabetic patients

Christensen, P. K., Hansen, H. P. & Parving, H. H., nov. 1997, I: Kidney International. 52, 5, s. 1369-74 6 s.

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Infertility, fertility drugs, and invasive ovarian cancer: a case-control study

Mosgaard, B. J., Lidegaard, O., Kjaer, S. K., Schou, G. & Andersen, A. N., jun. 1997, I: Fertility and Sterility. 67, 6, s. 1005-12 8 s.

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