Published in 2022

Meta-research evaluating redundancy and use of systematic reviews when planning new studies in health research: a scoping review

Lund, H., Robinson, K. A., Gjerland, A., Nykvist, H., Drachen, T. M., Christensen, R., Juhl, C. B., Jamtvedt, G., Nortvedt, M., Bjerrum, M., Westmore, M., Yost, J., Brunnhuber, K. & Evidence-Based Research Network, 15 nov. 2022, I: Systematic Reviews. 11, 1, s. 241

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewpeer review

BACKGROUND: Several studies have documented the production of wasteful research, defined as research of no scientific importance and/or not meeting societal needs. We argue that this redundancy in research may to a large degree be due to the lack of a systematic evaluation of the best available evidence and/or of studies assessing societal needs.

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this scoping review is to (A) identify meta-research studies evaluating if redundancy is present within biomedical research, and if so, assessing the prevalence of such redundancy, and (B) to identify meta-research studies evaluating if researchers had been trying to minimise or avoid redundancy.

ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Meta-research studies (empirical studies) were eligible if they evaluated whether redundancy was present and to what degree; whether health researchers referred to all earlier similar studies when justifying and designing a new study and/or when placing new results in the context of earlier similar trials; and whether health researchers systematically and transparently considered end users' perspectives when justifying and designing a new study.

SOURCES OF EVIDENCE: The initial overall search was conducted in MEDLINE, Embase via Ovid, CINAHL, Web of Science, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, and the Cochrane Methodology Register from inception to June 2015. A 2nd search included MEDLINE and Embase via Ovid and covered January 2015 to 26 May 2021. No publication date or language restrictions were applied.

CHARTING METHODS: Charting methods included description of the included studies, bibliometric mapping, and presentation of possible research gaps in the identified meta-research.

RESULTS: We identified 69 meta-research studies. Thirty-four (49%) of these evaluated the prevalence of redundancy and 42 (61%) studies evaluated the prevalence of a systematic and transparent use of earlier similar studies when justifying and designing new studies, and/or when placing new results in context, with seven (10%) studies addressing both aspects. Only one (1%) study assessed if the perspectives of end users had been used to inform the justification and design of a new study. Among the included meta-research studies evaluating whether redundancy was present, only two of nine health domains (medical areas) and only two of 10 research topics (different methodological types) were represented. Similarly, among the included meta-research studies evaluating whether researchers had been trying to minimise or avoid redundancy, only one of nine health domains and only one of 10 research topics were represented.

CONCLUSIONS THAT RELATE TO THE REVIEW QUESTIONS AND OBJECTIVES: Even with 69 included meta-research studies, there was a lack of information for most health domains and research topics. However, as most included studies were evaluating across different domains, there is a clear indication of a high prevalence of redundancy and a low prevalence of trying to minimise or avoid redundancy. In addition, only one meta-research study evaluated whether the perspectives of end users were used to inform the justification and design of a new study.

SYSTEMATIC REVIEW REGISTRATION: Protocol registered at Open Science Framework: (15 June 2021).

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Systematic Reviews
Vol/bind 11
Udgave nummer 1
Sider (fra-til) 241
ISSN 2046-4053
Status Udgivet - 15 nov. 2022

Bibliografisk note

© 2022. The Author(s).

Metabotyping for Precision Nutrition and Weight Management: Hype or Hope?

Pigsborg, K. & Magkos, F., jun. 2022, I: Current nutrition reports. 11, 2, s. 117-123 7 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewpeer review

Minor effect of patient education for alcohol cessation intervention on outcomes after acute fracture surgery: a randomized trial of 70 patients

Egholm, J. W. M., Pedersen, B., Oppedal, K., Madsen, B. L., Lauritzen, J. B., Rasmussen, M., Helander, A., Adami, J. & Tønnesen, H., 12 apr. 2022, I: Acta Orthopaedica . 93, s. 424-431 8 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: High alcohol intake is associated with increased risk of postoperative complications. Alcohol cessation intervention is recommended prior to elective surgery. We investigated short- and long-term effects of perioperative intensive alcohol intervention in relation to acute ankle fracture surgery.

PATIENTS AND METHODS: 70 patients requiring ankle fracture surgery and consuming ≥ 21 drinks weekly (1 drink = 12 g ethanol) were randomized to a manual-based 6-week intensive standardized alcohol cessation program, the Gold Standard Program (GSP-A), or treatment as usual (TAU), on the day of operation. GSP-A included 5 personal meetings, patient education, and motivational and pharmacological support (alcohol withdrawal prophylaxis, B vitamins, and low-dose disulfiram). Complications requiring treatment were measured after 6 weeks and 1 year. Alcohol intake was validated by biomarkers. Quality of life (QoL) was measured by the SF-36. Hospital costs were obtained from the National Hospital Costs Register.

RESULTS: Postoperatively, complete alcohol cessation was higher in the GSP-A than in the TAU group (18/35 vs. 5/35, number needed to treat = 3, p ≤ 0.001), but not lowrisk consumption in the long term (10/35 vs. 7/33, p = 0.5). Number of complications in the short and long term (12/35 vs. 14/33, 16/35 vs. 18/33), the SF-36 score, or hospital costs in the short and long term (€6,294 vs. €8,024, €10,662 vs. €12,198), were similar between the groups.

INTERPRETATION: Despite an effect on alcohol cessation and a positive tendency as regards the other outcomes, the postoperative complications, QoL, and costs were similar. Better perioperative strategies for acute surgical patients with high alcohol intake therefore need to be developed.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Acta Orthopaedica
Vol/bind 93
Sider (fra-til) 424-431
Antal sider 8
ISSN 1745-3674
Status Udgivet - 12 apr. 2022

Mitochondrial respiration supports autophagy to provide stress resistance during quiescence

Magalhaes-Novais, S., Blecha, J., Naraine, R., Mikesova, J., Abaffy, P., Pecinova, A., Milosevic, M., Bohuslavova, R., Prochazka, J., Khan, S., Novotna, E., Sindelka, R., Machan, R., Dewerchin, M., Vlcak, E., Kalucka, J., Stemberkova Hubackova, S., Benda, A., Goveia, J., Mracek, T., & 5 flereBarinka, C., Carmeliet, P., Neuzil, J., Rohlenova, K. & Rohlena, J., okt. 2022, I: Autophagy. 18, 10, s. 2409-2426 18 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

Modifying Lifestyle Factors May Offer the Potential to Enhance the Outcome of Tumour Necrosis Factor Inhibitors in Axial Spondyloarthritis– Data from 14 European Countries: Data from 14 European Countries

Jones, G. T., Rotariu, O., Michelsen, B., Glintborg, B., Gudbjornsson, B., Geirsson, A. J., Relas, H., Isomäki, P., Závada, J., Pavelka, K., Rotar, Ž., Tomšič, M., Nissen, M. J., Ciurea, A., Codreanu, C., Wallman, J. K., Kristianslund, E. K., Rasmussen, S. H., Ørnbjerg, L. M., Santos, M. J., & 3 flereØstergaard, M., Hetland, M. L. & Macfarlane, G. J., 2022, s. Arthritis & Reumatology Vol. 74, number S9, p. 2988.

Publikation: KonferencebidragKonferenceabstrakt til konferenceForskningpeer review

Moonlighting chaperone activity of the enzyme PqsE contributes to RhlR-controlled virulence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Borgert, S. R., Henke, S., Witzgall, F., Schmelz, S., Zur Lage, S., Hotop, S-K., Stephen, S., Lübken, D., Krüger, J., Gomez, N. O., van Ham, M., Jänsch, L., Kalesse, M., Pich, A., Brönstrup, M., Häussler, S. & Blankenfeldt, W., 1 dec. 2022, I: Nature Communications. 13, 1, s. 7402

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

More meticulously following treat-to-target in RA does not lead to less radiographic progression: A longitudinal analysis in BIODAM

Ramiro, S., Landewé, R., van der Heijde, D., Sepriano, A., FitzGerald, O., Østergaard, M., Homik, J., Elkayam, O., Thorne, J. C., Larché, M. J., Ferraccioli, G., Backhaus, M., Boire, G., Combe, B., Schaeverbeke, T., Saraux, A., Dougados, M., Rossini, M., Govoni, M., Sinigaglia, L., & 10 flereCantagrel, A. G., Allaart, C. F., Barnabe, C., Bingham, C. O., van Schaardenburg, D., Hammer, H. B., Dadashova, R., Hutchings, E., Paschke, J. & Maksymowych, W. P., 2022, s. Arthritis & Reumatology Vol. 74, number S9, p. 3965.

Publikation: KonferencebidragKonferenceabstrakt til konferenceForskningpeer review

MRI Spinal Lesions in Patients Without MRI or Radiographic Lesions in the Sacroiliac Joints Typical of Axial Spondyloarthritis

Maksymowych, W. P., Østergaard, M., Baraliakos, X., Machado, P., Pedersen, S. J., Weber, U., Eshed, I., Sieper, J., Poddubnyy, D., Rudwaleit, M., van der Heijde, D., Landewé, R. B. M. & Lambert, R. G., 2022, s. Arthritis & Reumatology Vol. 74, number S9, p. 4490.

Publikation: KonferencebidragKonferenceabstrakt til konferenceForskningpeer review


Maksymowych, W. P., Østergaard, M., Baraliakos, X., Machado, P., Pedersen, S. J., Weber, U., Eshed, I., Sieper, J., Poddubnyy, D., Rudwaleit, M., van der Heijde, D., Landewé, R. B. M. & Lambert, R. G., 2022, s. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases Vol. 81, Issue Suppl 1.

Publikation: KonferencebidragKonferenceabstrakt til konferenceForskningpeer review

Municipal Support of Diabetes Management in Daycare, Kindergarten and School: A Qualitative Study of Differences, Challenges and Potentials

Johansen, L. B., Nannsen, A. Ø., Iken, M. S., Madsen, M., Kristensen, K., Pilgaard, K. A., Schou, A. J., Hangaard, S., Mouritsen, A. K., Andersen, A. & Grabowski, D., 17 aug. 2022, I: Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland). 10, 8

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

Diabetes care during institutional hours is a major challenge affecting the whole family. The aim of this study was to highlight challenges and potentials regarding municipal support in relation to diabetes care of children in school, kindergarten, and daycare. The dataset consists of 80 semi-structured online interviews with 121 municipal employees from 74 (of 98) municipalities in Denmark. Data were analysed using qualitative content analysis. The analysis produced four main themes: (1) Institutional staff initially feel insecure about diabetes care responsibilities, (2) There is a high degree of parental involvement and responsibilities during institutional hours, (3) The roles of health employees vary, and (4) Fluctuating allocation of special needs assistants (SNAs) creates challenges. The findings of this nationwide qualitative study show that, even though Denmark guarantees, by law, the child's right to support in diabetes self-care in school and childcare institutions, diabetes management in Denmark still needs to be improved, with a view to ensuring equal support for all children with diabetes.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland)
Vol/bind 10
Udgave nummer 8
ISSN 2227-9032
Status Udgivet - 17 aug. 2022

N-of-1 Single Patient Open Trial (spot) Determines Diet Intervention Effectiveness for Symptom Management in Adult with Classical Pku

Ahring, K. K., Depenweiller, M., Moseley, K., Yano, S., Kumru, B., Prince, A. & Nikles, J., apr. 2022, I: Molecular Genetics and Metabolism. 135, 4, s. 257-257 1 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftKonferenceabstrakt i tidsskriftForskningpeer review

Neonates undergoing pyloric stenosis repair are at increased risk of difficult airway management: secondary analysis of the NEonate and Children audiT of Anaesthesia pRactice IN Europe

NECTARINE Group of the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive & Afshari, A., nov. 2022, I: British Journal of Anaesthesia. 129, 5, s. 734-739 6 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

Network meta-analysis comparing the efficacy of biologic treatments for achieving complete resolution of nail psoriasis

Reich, K., Conrad, C., Kristensen, L. E., Smith, S. D., Puig, L., Rich, P., Sapin, C., Holzkaemper, T., Koppelhus, U. & Schuster, C., maj 2022, I: The Journal of dermatological treatment. 33, 3, s. 1652-1660 9 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

BACKGROUND: Nail psoriasis (NP) is common and of high importance in patients with psoriasis. Complete resolution of NP at week 24‒26 is an unambiguous nail outcome accessible for indirect treatment comparison of biologics.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the comparative efficacy of approved biologics in achieving complete resolution of NP at week 24‒26.

METHODS: A network meta-analysis (NMA) was conducted to indirectly compare the efficacy of six biologics in achieving complete resolution of NP at week 24‒26 in patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis and concomitant NP. Complete resolution of NP was defined as a score of zero on the Nail Psoriasis Severity Index (NAPSI), modified NAPSI (mNAPSI) or Physician's Global Assessment of Fingernails (PGA-F).

RESULTS: The probability of achieving complete resolution of NP was highest for ixekizumab (46.5%; 95% credibility interval [CrI] 35.1‒58.0; Surface Under the Cumulative RAnking curve [SUCRA] 97%), followed by brodalumab (37.0%; 17.0‒61.0; 79%), adalimumab (28.3%; 24.4‒32.4; 62%), guselkumab (27.7%; 21.1‒35.1; 58%), ustekinumab (20.8%; 10.2‒35.2; 37%), and infliximab (0.8%; 0.0‒8.9; 17%).

CONCLUSION: In patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis and concomitant NP, ixekizumab has the greatest likelihood among approved biologics of achieving complete resolution of NP at week 24‒26. Findings should be interpreted carefully because of inherent study limitations.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift The Journal of dermatological treatment
Vol/bind 33
Udgave nummer 3
Sider (fra-til) 1652-1660
Antal sider 9
ISSN 0954-6634
Status Udgivet - maj 2022

Celiac disease (CD), a gluten-induced autoimmune disease, is associated with low bone mineral density (BMD) among children. Unfortunately, it is often diagnosed in adulthood, which may lead to an increased risk of fragile bones. The aim of this systematic review was to report on BMD status among young adults newly diagnosed with CD, and to examine the effect of a gluten-free diet (GFD), nutritional supplements, such as vitamin D, or antiresorptive medications on BMD recovery. Databases searched were Medline, Embase, and Cochrane Library up to July 2nd, 2020. Both observational studies and clinical trials were considered, if patients were newly diagnosed and between 20 and 35 years of age and reported on BMD. We critically appraised the identified studies using ROBINS-I and summarized the findings narratively. Out of 3991 references, we identified 3 eligible studies: one cross-sectional study and two longitudinal studies. In total, 188 patients were included, and the study population consisted primarily of women with an age range between 29 and 37 years old. Compared to healthy controls, our target population had lower BMD. Moreover, a strict GFD may increase BMD during a follow-up period of up to 5 years. Newly diagnosed CD patients aged 20-35 years are at risk of lower BMD. Therefore, it may be crucial to assess BMD at time of diagnosis in young women. Whether the results can be extrapolated to young men is unknown. While strict GFD may improve BMD over time, there is a lack of robust evidence to demonstrate that nutritional supplements or antiresorptive agents are beneficial in the prevention of fragile bones in this age group.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Calcified Tissue International
Vol/bind 110
Udgave nummer 6
Sider (fra-til) 641-648
Antal sider 8
ISSN 0171-967X
Status Udgivet - jun. 2022

Bibliografisk note

© 2022. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.


Lindgren, L. H., Thomsen, T., Aadahl, M., Thurah, A. D., Hetland, M. L., Kristensen, S. & Esbensen, B. A., 2022, s. POS1498-HPR.

Publikation: KonferencebidragPosterForskningpeer review

Nyt studie: Denne blodtype påvirker risikoen for et slagtilfælde før de 60 år

Mølgaard, M. & Kruuse, C. R., 6 sep. 2022, I: [online].

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelFormidling
