Published in 2024

Inequalities in access to neuro-oncology supportive care and rehabilitation: A survey of healthcare professionals' perspectives

Boele, F., Rosenlund, L., Nordentoft, S., Melhuish, S., Nicklin, E., Rydén, I., Williamson, A., Donders-Kamphuis, M., Preusser, M., Le Rhun, E., Kiesel, B., Minniti, G., Furtner, J., Dirven, L., Taphoorn, M., Galldiks, N., Rudà, R., Chalmers, A., Short, S. C. & Piil, K., aug. 2024, I: Neuro-Oncology Practice. 11, 4, s. 484-493 10 s.

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Infections and their prognostic significance before diagnosis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, or multiple myeloma

Packness, E., Davidsson, O. B., Rostgaard, K., Andersen, M. A., Rotbain, E. C., Niemann, C. U., Brieghel, C. & Hjalgrim, H., 22 aug. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: British Journal of Cancer.

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Infections in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia treated with time limited targeted drug combinations

Langerbeins, P., Giza, A., Robrecht, S., Cramer, P., von Tresckow, J., Al-Sawaf, O., Fink, A. M., Fürstenau, M., Kater, A., van der Spek, E., Niemann, C. U., da Cunha-Bang, C., Tausch, E., Schneider, C., Stilgenbauer, S., Fischer, K., Hallek, M. & Eichhorst, B., 17 maj 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: American Journal of Hematology.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftKommentar/debatForskningpeer review

Infectious mononucleosis and risk of multiple sclerosis: Proxy or culprit?

Hjalgrim, H. & Rostgaard, K., 21 mar. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Multiple Sclerosis Journal. 13524585241237708.

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Infective native aneurysms of the infrapopliteal arteries - A systematic literature review and report of two cases

van den Hoven, P., Fosbøl, E., Ljungquist, O. & Sörelius, K., 6 maj 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Vascular medicine (London, England). 1358863X241245417.

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Inflammatory and subtype-dependent serum protein signatures predict survival beyond the ctDNA in aggressive B cell lymphomas

Arffman, M., Meriranta, L., Autio, M., Holte, H., Jørgensen, J., Brown, P., Jyrkkiö, S., Jerkeman, M., Drott, K., Fluge, Ø., Björkholm, M., Karjalainen-Lindsberg, M-L., Beiske, K., Pedersen, M. Ø., Leivonen, S-K. & Leppä, S., 2 apr. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Med (New York, N.Y.).

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Inflammatory biomarkers predicting long-term remission and active disease in juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a population-based study of the Nordic JIA cohort

Glerup, M., Kessel, C., Foell, D., Berntson, L., Fasth, A., Myrup, C., Nordal, E., Rypdal, V., Rygg, M., Arnstad, E. D., Peltoniemi, S., Aalto, K., Schleifenbaum, S., Høllsberg, M. N., Bilgrau, A. E., Herlin, T. & Nordic Study Group of Paediatric Rheumatology (NoSPeR), 5 sep. 2024, I: RMD Open. 10, 3

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Inflammatory markers, somatic complaints, use of medication and health care in 11-year-old children at familial high risk of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder compared with population-based controls. The Danish High Risk and Resilience Study - via 11

Søndergaard, A., Gregersen, M., Wilms, M., Brandt, J. M., Hjorthøj, C., Ohland, J., Rohd, S. B., Hemager, N., Andreassen, A. K., Knudsen, C. B., Veddum, L., Krantz, M. F., Greve, A., Bliksted, V., Mors, O., Lykkegaard, K., Krustrup, P., Thorup, A. E. & Nordentoft, M., 26 jun. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Nordic Journal of Psychiatry. s. 1-11 11 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

Influence of implantation strategy in the transition from temporary left ventricular assist device to durable mechanical circulatory support

Meyer, A. L., Lewin, D., Billion, M., Hofmann, S., Netuka, I., Belohlavek, J., Jawad, K., Saeed, D., Schmack, B., Rojas Hernandez, V., Gummert, J., Bernhardt, A., Färber, G., Kooij, J., Meyns, B., Loforte, A., Pieri, M., Scandroglio, A. M., Akhyari, P. & Szymanski, M. K. & 12 flere, Moeller, C. J. H., Gustafsson, F., Medina, M., Oezkur, M., Zimpfer, D., Krasivskyi, I., Djordjevic, I., Haneya, A., Stein, J., Lanmueller, P., Potapov, E. V. & Kremer, J., 11 sep. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery.

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Influence of Pathophysiological Patterns of Coronary Artery Disease on Immediate Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Outcomes

Collet, C., Munhoz, D., Mizukami, T., Sonck, J., Matsuo, H., Shinke, T., Ando, H., Ko, B., Biscaglia, S., Rivero, F., Engstrøm, T., Arslani, K., Leone, A. M., van Nunen, L. X., Fearon, W. F., Christiansen, E. H., Fournier, S., Desta, L., Yong, A., Adjej, J., & 23 flereEscaned, J., Nakayama, M., Eftekhari, A., Zimmermann, F. M., Sakai, K., Storozhenko, T., da Costa, B. R., Campo, G., West, N. E. J., De Potter, T., Heggermont, W., Buytaert, D., Bartunek, J., Berry, C., Collison, D., Johnson, T., Amano, T., Perera, D., Jeremias, A., Ali, Z., Pijls, N. H. J., De Bruyne, B. & Johnson, N. P., 14 maj 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Circulation.

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Influence of sex and risk factors on myocardial microvascular function in individuals with type 2 diabetes free of overt cardiovascular disease: the DiaHeart study

Skriver-Møller, A.-C., Rasmussen, I. K., Blond, M. B., Wasehuus, V., Lassen, M. C., Lindhardt, M. K., Kofoed-Enevoldsen, A., Kielgast, U., Zobel, E. H., Hasbak, P., Biering-Sørensen, T., Rossing, P., Ripa, R. S., Kjaer, A. & Hansen, T. W., 2024, I: Diabetologia. 982.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftKonferenceabstrakt i tidsskriftForskningpeer review

Influence of sphingolipid enzymes on blood glucose levels, development of diabetes, and involvement of pericytes

Buschard, K., Josefsen, K., Krogvold, L., Gerling, I., Dahl-Jørgensen, K. & Pociot, F., mar. 2024, I: Diabetes Metabolism Research and Reviews. 40, 3, s. e3792

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Influence of therapeutic plasma exchange treatment on short-term mortality of critically ill adult patients with sepsis-induced organ dysfunction: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Kuklin, V., Sovershaev, M., Bjerner, J., Keith, P., Scott, L. K., Thomas, O. M. T., Szpirt, W., Rock, G. & Stegmayr, B., 4 jan. 2024, I: Critical care (London, England). 28, 1, s. 12

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