Published in 2024

Contact allergy to N-isopropyl-N'-phenyl paraphenylenediamine in consecutively patch tested Danish eczema patients: An observational study with historical data from 2013 to 2023

Kursawe Larsen, C., Jensen, M. B. & Schwensen, J. F. B., 25 jun. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Contact Dermatitis.

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Contact allergy to neomycin in consecutively patch tested Danish eczema patients from 2000 to 2023: A cross-sectional study

Kursawe Larsen, C., Jensen, M. B. & Schwensen, J. F. B., 23 jul. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Contact Dermatitis.

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Contact Dermatitis From Biomedical Devices, Implants, and Metals-Trouble From Within

Pacheco, K. A. & Thyssen, J. P., sep. 2024, I: The journal of allergy and clinical immunology. In practice. 12, 9, s. 2280-2295 16 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewpeer review

Contact sensitization to fragrance mix I and fragrance mix II among European dermatitis patients: A systematic review

Botvid, S., Bennike, N. H., Simonsen, A. B., Johansen, J. D. & Uter, W., sep. 2024, I: Contact Dermatitis. 91, 3, s. 177-185 9 s.

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Contact with general practice in patients with suspected chronic coronary syndrome before and after CT angiography compared with the general population

Nissen, L., Søby, J. H., de Thurah, A., Prescott, E., Prior, A., Winther, S. & Bøttcher, M., 3 jan. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: European heart journal. Quality of care & clinical outcomes.

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Contemporary prevalence of diabetic neuropathies in individuals with type 1 and type 2 diabetes in a Danish tertiary outpatient clinic

Mizrak, H. I., Kufaishi, H., Hecquet, S. K., Hansen, T. W., Pop-Busui, R., Rossing, P., Brock, B. & Hansen, C. S., jun. 2024, I: Journal of Diabetes and its Complications. 38, 6, s. 108761

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Content Validity for a 3D-Printed Model for Simulation-Based Training of Basic Epistaxis Management

Jacobsen, S. F., Svendsen, M. B. S., Melchiors, J. & Andersen, S. A. W., 2024, (Accepteret/In press) I: Simulation in Healthcare. 10.1097/SIH.0000000000000837.

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Contents of sensitising rubber accelerators in disposable rubber gloves: A Copenhagen market survey

Kursawe Larsen, C., Schwensen, J. F. B., Zachariae, C., Svedman, C., Johansen, J. D. & Bergendorff, O., 5 okt. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Contact Dermatitis.

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Continuation versus Interruption of Oral Anticoagulation during TAVI

van Ginkel, D. J., Bor, W. L., Aarts, H. M., Dubois, C., De Backer, O., Rooijakkers, M. J. P., Rosseel, L., Veenstra, L., van der Kley, F., van Bergeijk, K. H., Van Mieghem, N. M., Agostoni, P., Voskuil, M., Schotborgh, C. E., IJsselmuiden, A. J. J., Van Der Heyden, J. A. S., Hermanides, R. S., Barbato, E., Mylotte, D. & Fabris, E. & 27 flere, Frambach, P., Dujardin, K., Ferdinande, B., Peper, J., Rensing, B. J. W. M., Timmers, L., Swaans, M. J., Brouwer, J., Nijenhuis, V. J., Overduin, D. C., Adriaenssens, T., Kobari, Y., Vriesendorp, P. A., Montero-Cabezas, J. M., El Jattari, H., Halim, J., Van den Branden, B. J. L., Leonora, R., Vanderheyden, M., Lauterbach, M., Wykrzykowska, J. J., van 't Hof, A. W. J., van Royen, N., Tijssen, J. G. P., Delewi, R., Ten Berg, J. M. & POPular PAUSE TAVI Investigators., 31 aug. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: The New England journal of medicine.

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Continued circulation of mpox: an epidemiological and phylogenetic assessment, European Region, 2023 to 2024

Vaughan, A. M., Afzal, M., Nannapaneni, P., Leroy, M., Andrianou, X., Pires, J., Funke, S., Roman, C., Reyes-Uruena, J., Aberle, S., Aristodimou, A., Aspelund, G., Bennet, K. F., Bormane, A., Caraglia, A., Charles, H., Chazelle, E., Christova, I., Cohen, O. & Constantinou, C. & 39 flere, Couvreur, S., Diaz, A., Fabiánová, K., Ferraro, F., Grenersen, M. P., Grilc, E., Hannila-Handelberg, T., Hvass, A. K., Igoe, D., Jansen, K., Janță, D., Kaoustou, S., Koch, A., Kosanovic Licina, M. L., Krumova, S., Labutin, A., Lachmann, R., Lecompte, A., Lefrançois, R., Leitena, V., Liitsola, K., Mlinarić, I., Mor, Z., Neary, M., Novacek, A., Øgle, M. W., Orlíková, H., Papadima, K., Rehn, M., Sadkowska-Todys, M., Sîrbu, A., Sondén, K., Suárez, B., Thordardottir, M., Vasconcelos, P., Vieira Martins, J., Zakrzewska, K., Widdowson, M.-A. & Gossner, C. M., jul. 2024, I: Eurosurveillance. 29, 27

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Continuous glucose monitoring for adults with insulintreated type 2 diabetes: in combination with diabetes self-management education and peer support

Lind, N., 2024, 132 s. [Kbh.] : University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Health and Medical Science.

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Continuous Glucose Monitoring Profiles and Health Outcomes after Dapagliflozin Plus Saxagliptin vs Insulin Glargine

Simonson, D. C., Testa, M. A., Ekholm, E., Su, M., Vilsbøll, T., Jabbour, S. A. & Lind, M., 27 feb. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism.

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Continuous heart monitoring to evaluate treatment effects in pulmonary hypertension

Ørbæk Andersen, M., Diederichsen, S. Z., Svendsen, J. H. & Carlsen, J., 7 maj 2024, I: Open Heart. 11, 1

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Continuous measurement of interstitial glycaemia in professional female UCI world tour cyclists undertaking a 9-day cycle training camp

Hamilton, R., McCarthy, O. M., Bain, S. C. & Bracken, R. M., 28 sep. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: European journal of sport science.

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