Published in 2024

Comparison of Wireless Continuous Axillary and Core Temperature Measurement after Major Surgery

Nathansen, A. B., Mølgaard, J., Meyhoff, C. S. & Aasvang, E. K., 10 jul. 2024, I: Sensors. 24, 14

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Compensatory Strategies in Adolescent Females with a Restrictive Eating Disorder and Later Diagnosed Autism: A Qualitative Study of Patient Records

Kaad Jensen , M., Pedersen, S. H., Bentz, M. & Wedfall Lydiksen , T., 10 dec. 2024, I: Journal of Psychiatry and Brain Science. 9, 6, e240009.

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Competency, Proficiency, and Mastery: Learning Curves for Robotic Distal Pancreatectomy at 16 International Expert Centers

Müller, P. C., Kuemmerli, C., Billeter, A. T., Shen, B., Jin, J., Nickel, F., Guidetti, C., Kauffmann, E., Purchla, J., Tschuor, C., Krohn, P. S., Burgdorf, S. K., Jonas, J. P., Bussmann, F. J., Saint-Marc, O., Iben-Khayat, A., Andel, P. C. M., Molenaar, I. Q., Wellner, U. & Keck, T. & 19 flere, Moeckli, B., Toso, C., Di Benedetto, F., Valle, V., Giulianotti, P., Roulin, D., Martinie, J. B., Rama, M., Lavu, H., Yeo, C., Mavani, P. T., Shah, M. M., Kooby, D. A., He, J., Boggi, U., Hackert, T., Borel-Rinkes, I. H. M., Müller, B. P. & Clavien, P.-A., 19 nov. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Annals of Surgery.

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Complement C7 and clusterin form a complex in circulation

Massri, M., Toonen, E. J. M., Sarg, B., Kremser, L., Grasse, M., Fleischer, V., Torres-Quesada, O., Hengst, L., Skjoedt, M-O., Bayarri-Olmos, R., Rosbjerg, A., Garred, P., Orth-Höller, D., Prohászka, Z. & Würzner, R., 2024, I: Frontiers in Immunology. 15, s. 1330095

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Complete Spectrum of Physical Comorbidities with Autism Spectrum Disorder in a Nationwide Cohort

Steinhausen, H.-C., Villumsen, M. D., Støving, R. K. & Bilenberg, N., 27 jul. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.

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Complete vs. Culprit-Only Revascularization in Older Patients with ST-segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction: An Individual Patient Meta-Analysis

Campo, G., Böhm, F., Engstrøm, T., Smits, P. C., Elgendy, I. Y., McCann, G., Wood, D., Serenelli, M., James, S., Høfsten, D. E., Boxma-de Klerk, B., Banning, A., Cairns, J. A., Pavasini, R., Stankovic, G., Kala, P., Kelbæk, H., Barbato, E., Srdanovic, I. & Hamza, M. & 3 flere, Banning, A. S., Biscaglia, S. & Mehta, S., 1 sep. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Circulation.

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Completion axillary lymph node dissection for the identification of pN2-3 status as an indication for adjuvant CDK4/6 inhibitor treatment: a post-hoc analysis of the randomised, phase 3 SENOMAC trial

de Boniface, J., Appelgren, M., Szulkin, R., Alkner, S., Andersson, Y., Bergkvist, L., Frisell, J., Gentilini, O. D., Kontos, M., Kühn, T., Lundstedt, D., Offersen, B. V., Bagge, R. O., Reimer, T., Sund, M., Christiansen, P., Rydén, L., Tvedskov, T. F. & SENOMAC Trialists’ Group, 6 aug. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: The Lancet Oncology.

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Complex interaction of infusion volumes and confounding factors with lactate clearance in septic shock. Author's reply

Ahlstedt, C., Sivapalan, P., Rooyackers, O., Perner, A. & Grip, J., 29 jul. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Intensive Care Medicine.

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Complex intracranial aneurysms: a DELPHI study to define associated characteristics

Diana, F., Romoli, M., Raz, E., Agid, R., Albuquerque, F. C., Arthur, A. S., Beck, J., Berge, J., Boogaarts, H. D., Burkhardt, J.-K., Cenzato, M., Chapot, R., Charbel, F. T., Desal, H., Esposito, G., Fifi, J. T., Florian, S., Gruber, A., Hassan, A. E. & Jabbour, P. & 25 flere, Jadhav, A. P., Korja, M., Krings, T., Lanzino, G., Meling, T. R., Morcos, J., Mosimann, P. J., Nossek, E., Pereira, V. M., Raabe, A., Regli, L., Rohde, V., Siddiqui, A. H., Tanikawa, R., Tjoumakaris, S. I., Tomasello, A., Vajkoczy, P., Valvassori, L., Velinov, N., Walsh, D., Woo, H., Xu, B., Yoshimura, S., van Zwam, W. H. & Peschillo, S., 11 jul. 2024, I: Acta Neurochirurgica. 166, 1, s. 294

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Compliance with endocrine therapy among breast cancer survivors

Torpe, E. M., Berg, T., Jensen, M.-B. & Ejlertsen, B., 20 nov. 2024, I: Danish Medical Journal. 71, 12, 9 s., A05240316.

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Complication Rates Rise with Age and Haller Index in Minimal Invasive Correction of Pectus Excavatum: A High-volume Single-centre Retrospective Cohort Study

Media, A. S., Christensen, T. D., Katballe, N., Juhl-Olsen, P., Vad, H., Pedersen, R. H., Højsgaard, A. & Vincenzo de Paoli, F., 8 feb. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery.

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Complications following biopsy of an intraabdominal or retroperitoneal mass compared with a renal mass

Schou-Jensen, K., Christensen Medonos , G., Hochheim, M. C., Mc Cullagh, M. J. D. & Thomsen, F. F., 16 aug. 2024, I: Danish Medical Journal. 71, 9, A12230777.

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Compound heterozygosity for two variants in BMP5 in human skeletal dysostosis with atrioventricular septal defect

Gregersen, P. A., Hammarsjö, A., Graversen, L., Brix, N., Lindelöf, H., Jensen, U. B., Farholt, S., Rubak, S., Bjerre, J., Piticchio, S. G., Terkelsen, T., Nishimura, G., Hellfritzsch, M. B. & Grigelioniene, G., 6 sep. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Clinical Genetics.

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Computed tomographic-based three-dimensional printing of giant coronary artery fistulas to guide surgical strategy: a case series

Ørbæk Andersen, M., Smerup, M. H., Munk, K., Mortensen, U. M., Nørgaard, B. L., Helvind, M., Andersen, H. Ø. & Linde, J. J., feb. 2024, I: European Heart Journal - Case Reports. 8, 2, ytad413.

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Computed tomography or chest X-ray to assess pulmonary congestion in dyspnoeic patients with acute heart failure

Miger, K., Overgaard Olesen, A. S., Grand, J., Fabricius-Bjerre, A., Sajadieh, A., Høst, N., Køber, N., Abild, A., Pedersen, L., Lawaetz Schultz, H. H., Torp-Pedersen, C., Ploug Boesen, M., Thune, J. J. & Nielsen, O. W., 26 jan. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: ESC Heart Failure.

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