Published in 2014

Activity of daily living performance amongst Danish asylum seekers: a cross-sectional study

Morville, A-L., Erlandsson, L-K., Eklund, M., Danneskiold-Samsøe, B., Christensen, R. & Amris, K., 2014, I: Torture (on-line udgave af Torture Journal). 24, 1, s. 49-64 16 s.

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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the extent of Activities of Daily Living (ADL) ability impairment in newly arrived Danish asylum seekers. It was hypothesized that exposure to trauma and torture would negatively influence ADL performance and that measures of ADL ability would be lower in individuals exposed to torture as compared to the non-tortured.

SUBJECTS: Forty-three newly arrived asylum seekers aged 20-50 years, from Iran, Afghanistan and Syria, were consecutively included in the study.

METHOD: ADL ability was assessed with the observation-based test Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (AMPS). Interviews were based on questionnaires about torture exposure, WHO-5 Wellbeing Index, Major Depression Inventory and Pain Detect Questionnaire. All participants were interviewed and tested using a linguistic interpreter.

RESULTS: Thirty three (77%) participants reported exposure to torture. The tortured did not differ significantly from the nontortured on measures of ADL ability (two-sample t-tests: Motor, p= 0.36; Process, p= 0.82). ADL performance impairment was observed in the overall study sample. Twelve had motor and 15 process ability measures below age norms and 2 below both AMPS motor and process cut-offs for effortless and efficient ADL performance. There were statistically significant - weak to moderate - correlations between self-reported psychological distress, VAS average pain, pain distribution and the AMPS measures.

CONCLUSION: The study results supported significant ADL ability impairment in tortured as well as non-tortured newly arrived asylum seekers. Implementation of performance-based evaluation of ADL ability as part of the initial medical screening of this particular population should be considered.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Torture (on-line udgave af Torture Journal)
Vol/bind 24
Udgave nummer 1
Sider (fra-til) 49-64
Antal sider 16
ISSN 1997-3322
Status Udgivet - 2014

Adherence to methotrexate in rheumatoid arthritis treated by practice vs. hospital based rheumatologists: A Danish nationwide cohort study.

Bliddal, H., Eriksen, SA., Christensen, R., Lorenzen, T., Hansen, M. S., Østergaard, M., Dreyer, L. & Vestergaard, P., 2014, I: Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 73, Suppl. 2, s. 448-9 2 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftKonferenceabstrakt i tidsskriftForskningpeer review

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
Vol/bind 73
Udgave nummer Suppl. 2
Sider (fra-til) 448-9
Antal sider 2
ISSN 0003-4967
Status Udgivet - 2014

Alterations in circulating miRNA levels following early-stage estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer resection in post-menopausal women

Kodahl, A. R., Zeuthen, P., Binder, H., Knoop, A. S. & Ditzel, H. J., 2014, I: PLoS One. 9, 7, s. e101950

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OBJECTIVE: To develop standardized musculoskeletal ultrasound (MUS) procedures and scoring for detecting knee osteoarthritis (OA) and test the MUS score's ability to discern various degrees of knee OA, in comparison with plain radiography and the 'Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score' (KOOS) domains as comparators.

METHOD: A cross-sectional study of MUS examinations in 45 patients with knee OA. Validity, reliability, and reproducibility were evaluated.

RESULTS: MUS examination for knee OA consists of five separate domains assessing (1) predominantly morphological changes in the medial compartment, (2) predominantly inflammation in the medial compartment, (3) predominantly morphological changes in the lateral compartment, (4) predominantly inflammation in the lateral compartment, and (5) effusion. MUS scores displayed substantial reliability and reproducibility, with interclass correlations coefficients ranging from 0.75 to 0.97 for the five domains. Construct validity was confirmed with statistically significant correlation coefficients (0.47-0.81, P < 0.01).

CONCLUSION: The MUS score suggested in this study was reliable and valid in detecting knee OA. In comparison with standing radiographs of the knees, the score detected all aspects of knee OA with relevant precision.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Osteoarthritis and cartilage / OARS, Osteoarthritis Research Society
Vol/bind 22
Udgave nummer 10
Sider (fra-til) 1675-91
Antal sider 17
ISSN 1063-4584
Status Udgivet - okt. 2014

Anaemia in Quick Diagnostic Unit

Stenqvist, C. & Schmidt, T. A., 2014, I: Palliative Medicine & Care: Open Access. 4 s.

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Anatomic suitability for endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms and possible benefits of low profile delivery systems

Kristmundsson, T., Sonesson, B., Dias, N., Malina, M. & Resch, T., apr. 2014, I: Vascular. 22, 2, s. 112-5 4 s.

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Anti-TNF treatment response in rheumatoid arthritis patients is associated with genetic variation in the NLRP3-inflammasome

Sode, J., Vogel, U., Bank, S., Andersen, P. S., Thomsen, M. K., Hetland, M. L., Locht, H., Heegaard, N. H. H. & Andersen, V., 2014

Publikation: AndetUdgivelser på nettet - Net-publikationForskningpeer review

OBJECTIVE: Many patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) benefit from tumor necrosis factor-α blocking treatment (anti-TNF), but about one third do not respond. The objective of this study was to replicate and extend previously found associations between anti-TNF treatment response and genetic variation in the TNF-, NF-κB- and pattern recognition receptor signalling pathways.

METHODS: Forty-one single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), including 34 functional, in 28 genes involved in inflammatory pathways were assessed in 538 anti-TNF naive Danish RA patients with clinical data. Multivariable logistic regression analyses were performed to test associations between genotypes and treatment response at 3-6 months using the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) response criterion. American College of Rheumatology treatment response (ACR50) and relative change in 28-joint disease activity score (relDAS28) were used as secondary outcomes. Subgroup analyses were stratified according to smoking status, type of anti-TNF drug and IgM-Rheumatoid Factor (IgM-RF) status. False discovery rate (FDR) controlling was used to adjust for multiple testing.

RESULTS: Statistically significant associations with EULAR response were found for two SNPs in NLRP3(rs4612666) (OR (odds ratio) for good/moderate response = 0.64 (95% confidence interval: 0.44-0.95), p = 0.025, q = 0.95) and INFG(rs2430561) (OR = 0.40 (0.21-0.76), p = 0.005, q = 0.18) and among IgM-RF positive patients for TNFRS1A(rs4149570) (0.59 (0.36-0.98), p = 0.040, q = 0.76). Current smokers who carried the NLRP3(rs4612666) variant allele were less likely to benefit from anti-TNF treatment (OR = 0.24 (0.10-0.56), p = 0.001, q = 0.04).

CONCLUSIONS: In a population of Danish RA patients, we confirm the NLRP3 gene as associated with EULAR anti-TNF response as previously reported. The NLRP3 variant (T) allele is associated with lower treatment response, in particular among current smokers. Furthermore, we find that a functional polymorphism in the interferon-γ gene is associated with anti-TNF response. All findings should be tested by replication in independent validation cohorts and augmented by assessing cytokine levels and activities of the relevant gene products.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Publikationsdato 2014
Status Udgivet - 2014

Antipsychotic treatment for children and adolescents with schizophrenia spectrum disorders: protocol for a network meta-analysis of randomised trials

Pagsberg, A. K., Tarp, S., Glintborg, D., Stenstrøm, A. D., Fink-Jensen, A., Correll, C. U. & Christensen, R. D. K., 2014, I: B M J Open. 4, 10, s. e005708

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INTRODUCTION: Antipsychotic treatment in early-onset schizophrenia (EOS) lacks a rich evidence base, and efforts to rank different drugs concerning their efficacy have not proven any particular drug superior. In contrast to the literature regarding adult-onset schizophrenia (AOS), comparative effectiveness studies in children and adolescents are limited in number and size, and only a few meta-analyses based on conventional methodologies have been conducted.

METHODS AND ANALYSES: We will conduct a network meta-analysis of all randomised controlled trials (RCTs) that evaluate antipsychotic therapies for EOS to determine which compounds are efficacious, and to determine the relative efficacy and safety of these treatments when compared in a network meta-analysis. Unlike a contrast-based (standard) meta-analysis approach, an arm-based network meta-analysis enables statistical inference from combining both direct and indirect comparisons within an empirical Bayes framework. We will acquire eligible studies through a systematic search of MEDLINE, the Cochrane Central Registry of Controlled Trials, and Centre for Reviews and Dissemination databases. Eligible studies should randomly allocate children and adolescents presenting with schizophrenia or a related non-affective psychotic condition to an intervention group or to a control group. Two reviewers will-independently and in duplicate-screen titles and abstracts, complete full text reviews to determine eligibility, and subsequently perform data abstraction and assess risk of bias of eligible trials. We will conduct meta-analyses to establish the effect of all reported therapies on patient-relevant efficacy and safety outcomes when possible.

ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: No formal ethical procedures regarding informed consent are required as no primary data collection is undertaken. The review will help facilitate evidence-based management, identify key areas for future research, and provide a framework for conducting large systematic reviews combining direct and indirect comparisons. The study will be disseminated by peer-reviewed publication and conference presentation.


Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift B M J Open
Vol/bind 4
Udgave nummer 10
Sider (fra-til) e005708
ISSN 2044-6055
Status Udgivet - 2014

Arhgap28 is a RhoGAP that inactivates RhoA and downregulates stress fibers

Yeung, C.-Y. C., 11 sep. 2014, I: PLoS One.

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Assessing bias in osteoarthritis trials included in Cochrane reviews: protocol for a meta-epidemiological study

Hansen, J. B., Juhl, C. B., Boutron, I., Tugwell, P., Ghogomu, E. A. T., Pardo Pardo, J., Rader, T., Wells, G. A., Mayhew, A., Maxwell, L., Lund, H., Christensen, R. & Editorial Board of the Cochrane Musculoskeletal Group, 2014, I: B M J Open. 4, 10, s. e005491

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INTRODUCTION: The validity of systematic reviews and meta-analysis depends on methodological quality and unbiased dissemination of trials. Our objective is to evaluate the association of estimates of treatment effects with different bias-related study characteristics in meta-analyses of interventions used for treating pain in osteoarthritis (OA). From the findings, we hope to consolidate guidance on interpreting OA trials in systematic reviews based on empirical evidence from Cochrane reviews.

METHODS AND ANALYSIS: Only systematic reviews that compare experimental interventions with sham, placebo or no intervention control will be considered eligible. Bias will be assessed with the risk of bias tool, used according to the Cochrane Collaboration's recommendations. Furthermore, center status, trial size and funding will be assessed. The primary outcome (pain) will be abstracted from the first appearing forest plot for overall pain in the Cochrane review. Treatment effect sizes will be expressed as standardised mean differences (SMDs), where the difference in mean values available from the forest plots is divided by the pooled SD. To empirically assess the risk of bias in treatment benefits, we will perform stratified analyses of the trials from the included meta-analyses and assess the interaction between trial characteristics and treatment effect. A relevant study-level covariate is defined as one that decreases the between-study variance (τ(2), estimated as Tau-squared) as a consequence of inclusion in the mixed effects statistical model.

ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Meta-analyses and randomised controlled trials provide the most reliable basis for treatment of patients with OA, but the actual impact of bias is unclear. This study will systematically examine the methodological quality in OA Cochrane reviews and explore the effect estimates behind possible bias. Since our study does not collect primary data, no formal ethical assessment and informed consent are required.


Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift B M J Open
Vol/bind 4
Udgave nummer 10
Sider (fra-til) e005491
ISSN 2044-6055
Status Udgivet - 2014

Association between prenatal polychlorinated biphenyl exposure and obesity development at ages 5 and 7 y: a prospective cohort study of 656 children from the Faroe Islands

Tang-Péronard, J. L., Heitmann, B. L., Andersen, H. R., Steuerwald, U., Grandjean, P., Weihe, P. & Jensen, T. K., jan. 2014, I: The American journal of clinical nutrition. 99, 1, s. 5-13 9 s.

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BACKGROUND: Chemicals with endocrine-disrupting abilities may act as obesogens and interfere with the body's natural weight-control mechanisms, especially if exposure occurs during prenatal life.

OBJECTIVE: We examined the association between prenatal exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and p,p'-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) and subsequent obesity at 5 and 7 y of age.

DESIGN: From 1997 to 2000, 656 pregnant Faroese women were recruited. PCB and DDE were measured in maternal serum and breast milk, and children's weight, height, and waist circumference (WC) were measured at clinical examinations at 5 and 7 y of age. The change in body mass index (BMI) from 5 to 7 y of age was calculated. Analyses were performed by using multiple linear regression models for girls and boys separately, taking into account maternal prepregnancy BMI.

RESULTS: For 7-y-old girls who had overweight mothers, PCB was associated with increased BMI (β = 2.07, P = 0.007), and PCB and DDE were associated with an increased change in BMI from 5 to 7 y of age (PCB: β = 1.23, P = 0.003; DDE: β = 1.11, P = 0.008). No association was observed with BMI in girls with normal-weight mothers. PCB was associated with increased WC in girls with overweight mothers (β = 2.48, P = 0.001) and normal-weight mothers (β = 1.25, P = 0.04); DDE was associated with increased WC only in girls with overweight mothers (β = 2.21, P = 0.002). No associations were observed between PCB or DDE and BMI in 5-y-old girls. For boys, no associations were observed.

CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest that prenatal exposure to PCB and DDE may play a role for subsequent obesity development. Girls whose mothers have a high prepregnancy BMI seem most affected.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift The American journal of clinical nutrition
Vol/bind 99
Udgave nummer 1
Sider (fra-til) 5-13
Antal sider 9
ISSN 0002-9165
Status Udgivet - jan. 2014

OBJECTIVE: Exercise has beneficial effects on pain in knee osteoarthritis (OA), yet the underlying mechanisms are unclear. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of exercise on pressure-pain sensitivity in patients with knee OA.

METHODS: In a randomized controlled trial, participants were assigned to 12 weeks of supervised exercise therapy (ET; 36 sessions) or a no attention control group (CG). Pressure-pain sensitivity was assessed by cuff pressure algometry on the calf of the most symptomatic leg. The coprimary outcomes were pressure-pain thresholds (PPTs) and cumulated visual analog scale pain scores during constant pressure for 6 minutes at 125% of the PPT as a measure of temporal summation (TS) of pressure-pain. Secondary outcomes included self-reported pain using the Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) questionnaire. Analyses were based on the "per-protocol" population (participants following the protocol).

RESULTS: Sixty participants were randomized (31 in ET group, 29 in CG), and the per-protocol population included 48 participants (25 in ET group, 23 in CG). At followup, mean group differences in the change from baseline were 3.1 kPa (95% confidence interval [95% CI] 0.2, 6.0; P = 0.038) for the PPT, 2,608 mm × seconds (95% CI 458, 4,758; P = 0.019) for TS, and 6.8 points (95% CI 1.2, 12.4; P = 0.018) for KOOS pain, all in favor of ET.

CONCLUSION: Pressure-pain sensitivity, TS, and self-reported pain are reduced among patients completing a 12-week supervised exercise program compared to a no attention CG. These results demonstrate beneficial effects of exercise on basic pain mechanisms and further exploration may provide a basis for optimized treatment.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Arthritis Care & Research
Vol/bind 66
Udgave nummer 12
Sider (fra-til) 1836-43
Antal sider 8
ISSN 2151-464X
Status Udgivet - dec. 2014

Atrial fibrillation and coronary artery disease: Which antithrombotic treatment strategy?

Lamberts, M., Dewilde, W. & Hansena, M. L., 2014, I: Current Opinion in Cardiology. 29, 6, s. 595-600 6 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewpeer review

Balance between activating NKG2D, DNAM-1, NKp44 and NKp46 and inhibitory CD94/NKG2A receptors determine natural killer degranulation towards rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblasts

Nielsen, N., Pascal, V., Fasth, A. E. R., Sundström, Y., Galsgaard, E. D., Ahern, D., Andersen, M., Baslund, B., Bartels, E. M., Bliddal, H., Feldmann, M., Malmström, V., Berg, L., Spee, P. & Söderström, K., aug. 2014, I: Immunology. 142, 4, s. 581-93 13 s.

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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease characterized by chronic inflammation and synovial hyperplasia leading to progressive joint destruction. Fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLS) are central components of the aggressive, tumour-like synovial structure termed pannus, which invades the joint space and cartilage. A distinct natural killer (NK) cell subset expressing the inhibitory CD94/NKG2A receptor is present in RA synovial fluid. Little is known about possible cellular interactions between RA-FLS and NK cells. We used cultured RA-FLS and the human NK cell line Nishi, of which the latter expresses an NK receptor repertoire similar to that of NK cells in RA synovial fluid, as an in vitro model system of RA-FLS/NK cell cross-talk. We show that RA-FLS express numerous ligands for both activating and inhibitory NK cell receptors, and stimulate degranulation of Nishi cells. We found that NKG2D, DNAM-1, NKp46 and NKp44 are the key activating receptors involved in Nishi cell degranulation towards RA-FLS. Moreover, blockade of the interaction between CD94/NKG2A and its ligand HLA-E expressed on RA-FLS further enhanced Nishi cell degranulation in co-culture with RA-FLS. Using cultured RA-FLS and the human NK cell line Nishi as an in vitro model system of RA-FLS/NK cell cross-talk, our results suggest that cell-mediated cytotoxicity of RA-FLS may be one mechanism by which NK cells influence local joint inflammation in RA.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Immunology
Vol/bind 142
Udgave nummer 4
Sider (fra-til) 581-93
Antal sider 13
ISSN 0019-2805
Status Udgivet - aug. 2014

Barriers to cancer pain management in Danish and Lithuanian patients treated in pain and palliative care units

Jacobsen, R., Samsanaviciene, J., Liubarskiene, Z., Sjøgren, P., Møldrup, C., Christrup, L., Sciupokas, A. & Hansen, O. B., mar. 2014, I: Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses. 15, 1, s. 51-8 8 s.

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Brief hospitalizations of elderly patients: a retrospective, observational study

Strømgaard, S., Rasmussen, S. W. & Schmidt, T. A., 7 mar. 2014, I: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine. 22, s. 17

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Unsedated upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (UGE) can induce patient discomfort, mainly due to a strong gag reflex. The aim was to assess the effect of a bupivacaine lozenge as topical pharyngeal anesthetic compared with standard treatment with a lidocaine spray before UGE. Ninety-nine adult outpatients undergoing unsedated diagnostic UGE were randomized to receive either a bupivacaine lozenge (L-group, n = 51) or lidocaine spray (S-group, n = 42). Primary objective was assessment of patient discomfort including acceptance of the gag reflex during UGE. The L-group assessed the discomfort significantly lower on a visual analog scale compared with the S-group (P = 0.02). There was also a significant difference in the four-point scale assessment of the gag reflex (P = 0.03). It was evaluated as acceptable by 49% in the L-group compared with 31% in the S-group. A bupivacaine lozenge compared with a lidocaine spray proved to be a superior option as topical pharyngeal anesthetic before an UGE.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Clinical Medicine Insights: Gastroenterology
Vol/bind 7
Sider (fra-til) 55-9
Antal sider 5
ISSN 1179-5522
Status Udgivet - 2014

Calyceal diverticulum: a benign imitator of serious pathology

Pareek, A., Laursen, C. B. & Graumann, O., 28 maj 2014, I: BMJ Case Reports . 2014

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INTRODUCTION: Pain in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is traditionally considered to be of inflammatory origin. Despite better control of inflammation, some patients still report pain as a significant concern, even when being in clinical remission. This suggests that RA may prompt central sensitisation-one aspect of chronic pain. In contrast, other patients report good treatment response, although imaging shows signs of inflammation, which could indicate a possible enhancement of descending pain inhibitory mechanisms. When assessing disease activity in patients with central sensitisation, the commonly used disease activity scores (eg, DAS28-CRP (C reactive protein)) will yield constant high total scores due to high tender joint count and global health assessments, whereas MRI provides an isolated estimate of inflammation. The objective of this study is, in patients with RA initiating anti-inflammatory treatment, to explore the prognostic value of a screening questionnaire for central sensitisation, hand inflammation assessed by conventional MRI, and the interaction between them regarding treatment outcome evaluated by clinical status (DAS28-CRP). For the purpose of further exploratory analyses, dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) is performed.

METHOD AND ANALYSIS: The painDETECT Questionnaire (PDQ), originally developed to screen for a neuropathic pain component, is applied to indicate the presence of central sensitisation. Adults diagnosed with RA are included when either (A) initiating disease-modifying antirheumatic drug treatment, or (B) initiating or switching to biological therapy. We anticipate that 100 patients will be enrolled, tested and reassessed after 4 months of treatment.

DATA COLLECTION INCLUDES: Clinical data, conventional MRI, DCE-MRI, blood samples and patient-reported outcomes.

ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: This study aims at supporting rheumatologists to define strategies to reach optimal treatment outcomes in patients with RA based on chronic pain prognostics. The study has been approved by The Capital region of Denmark's Ethics Committee; identification number H-3-2013-049. The results will be published in international peer-reviewed journals.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift B M J Open
Vol/bind 4
Udgave nummer 11
Sider (fra-til) e006058
ISSN 2044-6055
Status Udgivet - 2014

Cardiac natriuretic peptides in plasma increase after dietary induced weight loss in obesity

Kistorp, C., Bliddal, H., Goetze, J. P., Christensen, R. & Faber, J., 2014, I: BMC Obesity. 1, s. 24

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BACKGROUND: Cardiac natriuretic peptides are established biomarkers in heart disease, but are also affected by body mass index (BMI). The purpose of the present study was to examine the impact of weight loss and changes in body composition following dietary intervention on plasma concentrations of the prohormones to A- and B-type natriuretic peptides (proANP and proBNP) and adrenomedullin (proADM).

RESULTS: A total of 52 healthy obese subjects, 47 women and 5 men (BMI 36.5 ± 5.6 kg/m(2)) were randomised to either an intensive weight reduction programme using a combination of very low calorie diet (810 kcal/day) and conventional hypo-energetic diet (1200 kcal/day) for 52 weeks, or to a control group that was offered diet-related counselling. N-terminal proBNP (NT-proBNP), mid-regional proANP (MR-proANP) and proADM (MR-proADM) and body composition using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scanning were determined at baseline and after 52 weeks. Comparisons between groups were analysed using t-tests. Changes from the baseline within the groups were analysed with paired tests. Changes in the variables, delta (∆), were calculated as 52 weeks minus the baseline. In the intervention group, BMI decreased by almost 20% (31.6 ± 6.2 vs. 37.1 ± 6.1 kg/m(2); P <0.001) with a loss of body fat of 23.5 ± 15.5% (P < 0.001). Plasma concentrations of NT-proBNP and MR-proANP increased (from 55 ± 31 to 97 ± 55 pg/ml; P < 0.001, and from 59 ± 21 to 74 ± 26 pmol/L; P < 0.001), whereas MR-proADM decreased (from 573 ± 153 to 534 ± 173 pmol/L; P <0.001). Changes (Δ) in MR-proANP correlated with Δfat mass (r = -0.359; P = 0.011) and Δglucose (r = -0.495; P <0.001), while increases in NT-proBNP were primarily associated with reduced plasma glucose (r = -0.462; P <0.001). A modest but significant weight loss of 6% (P < 0.001) was found in the control group with no changes in plasma concentrations of NT-proBNP or MR-proANP, and a minor change in MR-proADM.

CONCLUSIONS: Plasma NT-proBNP and MR-proANP concentrations increase and MR-proADM concentration decreases during weight loss, underlining the dynamic impact of BMI, body composition and glucose metabolism on these cardiovascular biomarkers.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift BMC Obesity
Vol/bind 1
Sider (fra-til) 24
Status Udgivet - 2014
