Published in 2023

Patients’ and Family Members’ Experiences of Family Nursing Conversations Targeting Families Afflicted by Chronic Non-Cancer Pain

Rønne, P. F., Esbensen, B. A., Brødsgaard, A., Rosenstrøm, S., Voltelen, B., Andersen, L. Ø. & Hansen, C. A., 2023.

Publikation: KonferencebidragPosterForskningpeer review

Patisiran Treatment in Patients with Transthyretin Cardiac Amyloidosis

Maurer, M. S., Kale, P., Fontana, M., Berk, J. L., Grogan, M., Gustafsson, F., Hung, R. R., Gottlieb, R. L., Damy, T., González-Duarte, A., Sarswat, N., Sekijima, Y., Tahara, N., Taylor, M. S., Kubanek, M., Donal, E., Palecek, T., Tsujita, K., Tang, W. H. W., Yu, W-C., & 18 flereObici, L., Simões, M., Fernandes, F., Poulsen, S. H., Diemberger, I., Perfetto, F., Solomon, S. D., Di Carli, M., Badri, P., White, M. T., Chen, J., Yureneva, E., Sweetser, M. T., Jay, P. Y., Garg, P. P., Vest, J., Gillmore, J. D. & APOLLO-B Trial Investigators, 26 okt. 2023, I: The New England journal of medicine. 389, 17, s. 1553-1565 13 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

Patterns in contacts with primary health care centres in Greenland

Botvid, S. H. C., Storgaard Hove, L., Sauer Mikkelsen, C., Skovgaard, N., Lynge Pedersen, M. & Balslev Backe, M., dec. 2023, I: International Journal of Circumpolar Health. 82, 1, s. 2217007

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

Patterns of maladaptive exercise behavior from ages 14-24 in a longitudinal cohort

Schaumberg, K., Bulik, C. M. & Micali, N., nov. 2023, I: Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines. 64, 11, s. 1555-1568 14 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

Patterns of oral anticoagulant use and outcomes in Asian patients with atrial fibrillation: a post-hoc analysis from the GLORIA-AF Registry

GLORIA-AF Investigators, sep. 2023, I: EClinicalMedicine. 63, s. 102039

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

Paving the way to evidence-based clinical practice: Establishing effective caregiver and family support interventions

Piil, K. & Boele, F., dec. 2023, I: Neuro-Oncology Practice. 10, 6, s. 504-505 2 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftLederpeer review


El Fassi, D., Jønch, A. E., Bygum, A., Kluijver, L., Andersen, M. K., Bruusgaard, K., Grønbæk, K., Langendonk, J., Raaschou-Jensen, K. K., Wulf, H. C. O. & Friis, L. S., aug. 2023, I: HemaSphere. 7, S(3), e6610528.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftKonferenceartikelForskningpeer review

PD-L1 expression in vulvar cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Baandrup, L., Sand, F. L., Aalborg, G. L., Nøttrup, T. J., Fiehn, A-M. K. & Kjaer, S. K., 12 dec. 2023, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Histopathology.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewpeer review

Pedi-IKDC exhibits questionable measurement properties in a cohort of pediatric patients with ACL rupture

Hansen, C. F., Madsen, M. Ø., Warming, S., Lind, M., Faunø, P., Rathcke, M. W., Krogsgaard, M. R. & Christensen, K. B., sep. 2023, I: Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports. 33, 9, s. 1831-1840 10 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

Pediatric pain knowledge and attitudes among health care professionals-A National Danish Survey

Würtz, G., Schmidt, C., Jensen, C. S., Teilman, G. & Konradsen, H., sep. 2023, I: Paediatric & neonatal pain. 5, 3, s. 76-85 10 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

Peer-delivered point-of-care testing and linkage to treatment for hepatitis C virus infection among marginalized populations through a mobile clinic in Copenhagen, Denmark

Demant, J., Krohn-Dehli, L., Van der Veen, J., Øvrehus, A., Lazarus, J. V. & Weis, N., 27 sep. 2023, (E-pub ahead of print) I: The International journal on drug policy. 121, s. 104185

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

Penicillin allergy: optimizing diagnostic procedures and identifying barriers to penicillin use

Fransson, S., 2 jun. 2023

Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportPh.d.-afhandling

Peptidylglycine α-amidating monooxygenase and adrenomedullin measurement in patients with hepatic cirrhosis

Goetze, J. P., Voiosu, A., Wiese, S., Schulte, J., Kaufmann, P., Bergmann, A., Bartels, E. D. & Møller, S., 9 okt. 2023, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Biomarkers in Medicine.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

Perceived barriers to sports participation among adolescent girls from low socioeconomic status neighbourhoods

Ljungmann, C. K., Christensen, J. H., Johnsen, H. R., Klinker, C. D. & Pawlowski, C. S., 2023, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Sport in Society.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

Perception and emotional experiences of infant feeding among women living with HIV in a high-income setting: A longitudinal mixed methods study

Ellen, M., D, F. M., Inka, A., Åsa, M., S, J. I., L, K. T., Gitte, P., Merete, S. & Nina, W., 5 okt. 2023, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999).

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

Percutaneous glycerol rhizolysis of the trigeminal ganglion for the treatment of idiopathic and classic trigeminal neuralgia: Outcomes and complications

Bethamcharla, R., Abou-Al-Shaar, H., Maarbjerg, S., Chang, Y. F., Gacka, C. N. & Sekula, R. F., okt. 2023, I: European Journal of Neurology. 30, 10, s. 3307-3313 7 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

Performance of a dual-hormone closedloop system versus insulin-only closedloop in adolescents with type 1 diabetes. a single-blind, randomized, controlled, cros-over trial

Lindkvist, E., Laugesen, C., Reenberg, A. T., Ritschel, T., Svensson, J., Jorgensen, J., Ranjan, A. & Norgaard, K., 1 feb. 2023, I: Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics. 25, 2, s. A50

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftKonferenceabstrakt i tidsskriftForskningpeer review

Performance of EUS-FNA and EUS-B-FNA for the diagnosis of left adrenal glands metastases in patients with lung cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Moretti, A., Kovacevic, B., Vilmann, P., Annema, J. T. & Korevaar, D. A., dec. 2023, I: Lung Cancer. 186, s. 107391

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewpeer review
