Published in 2023

Assessing the efficacy of a German-inspired intervention on occupational contact dermatitis in Denmark: A randomised controlled trial with 3-month follow-up

Dietz, J. B-N., Simonsen, A. B. N., Menné, T., Ahlstrøm, M. G., Flyvholm, M-A., Blomberg, M. H., Erichsen, C. Y., Meyer, H. W., Viskum, S., Ahrensbøll-Friis, U., John, S. M. & Johansen, J. D., 5 dec. 2023, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Contact Dermatitis.

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Lunardi, F., Vedovelli, L., Pezzuto, F., Le Pavec, J., Dorfmuller, P., Ivanovic, M., Pena, T., Wassilew, K., Perch, M., Hirschi, S., Chenard, M-P., Sosa, R. A., Goddard, M., Neil, D., Montero-Fernandez, A., Rice, A., Cozzi, E., Rea, F., Levine, D. J., Roux, A., & 2 flereFishbein, G. A. & Calabrese, F., 6 okt. 2023, (E-pub ahead of print) I: The Journal of heart and lung transplantation : the official publication of the International Society for Heart Transplantation.

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Assessment and risk prediction of frailty using texture-based muscle ultrasound image analysis and machine learning techniques

Mirón-Mombiela, R., Ruiz-España, S., Moratal, D. & Borrás, C., okt. 2023, I: Mechanisms of Ageing and Development. 215, s. 111860

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Assessment of adverse events for a home-use intense pulsed light hair removal device using postmarketing surveillance

Hattersley, A. M., Kiernan, M., Goldberg, D., Dierickx, C., Sliney, D. H., Haedersdal, M. & Nash, J. F., apr. 2023, I: Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. 55, 4, s. 414-422 9 s.

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Assessment of hand eczema severity by patients using the hand eczema severity index (HECSI)

Janstrup, A. K., Nørreslet, L. B., Toft-Hansen, J. M., Ofenloch, R., Agner, T. & Yüksel, Y. T., nov. 2023, I: Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV. 37, 11, s. 2349-2354 6 s.

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Assessment of Healthy Tissue Metabolism to Predict Outcomes in Oncologic [18F]FDG PET/CT

Malaih, A. A., 20 jun. 2023

Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportPh.d.-afhandling

Assessment of motor and process skills in Danish occupational therapy practice

Vinge, A. F. J., Mondrup, M. E., Nielsen, K. T. & Wæhrens, E. E., nov. 2023, I: Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy. 30, 8, s. 1311-1329 19 s.

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Assessment of Orofacial Symptoms in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: Validation of a Consensus-Based Short Patient Questionnaire

Stoustrup, P., Rahimi, H., Twilt, M., Goh, Y. I., Pedersen, T. K., Herlin, T., Spiegel, L. & Temporomandibular Joint Juvenile Arthritis Working Group (TMJaw), maj 2023, I: Journal of Rheumatology. 50, 5, s. 676-683 8 s.

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Assessment of the Psychometric Properties of the Danish VISA-P

Agergaard, A-S., Comins, J. D., Siersma, V., Malmgaard-Clausen, N. M., Couppe, C., Hjortshoej, M. H., Olesen, J. L., Magnusson, S. P. & Shrier, I. (red.), 2023, I: Translational Sports Medicine. 2023

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Association between additional weekend rehabilitation and in-hospital mortality in patients with hip fractures

Ogawa, T., Onuma, R., Kristensen, M. T., Yoshii, T., Fujiwara, T., Fushimi, K., Okawa, A. & Jinno, T., 1 aug. 2023, I: The bone & joint journal. 105-B, 8, s. 872-879 8 s.

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Association Between Age and Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Response to Statins

Corn, G., Melbye, M., Hlatky, M. A., Wohlfahrt, J. & Lund, M., 1 aug. 2023, I: Annals of Internal Medicine. 176, 8, s. 1017-1026 10 s.

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Association Between Aggression and Differential Functional Activity of Neural Regions Implicated in Retaliation

Mathur, A., Bashford-Largo, J., Elowsky, J., Zhang, R., Dobbertin, M., Tyler, P. M., Bajaj, S., Blair, K. S. & Blair, R. J. R., jul. 2023, I: Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 62, 7, s. 805-815 11 s.

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Association between anxiety and depression symptoms and completion of first-line treatment in newly diagnosed lung cancer patients

Hansen, J. M., Kjaer, T. K., Mellemgård, A., Stensøe Oksen, M., Andersen, I. & Dalton, S. O., jul. 2023, I: Acta Oncologica. 62, 7, s. 820-824 5 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftLetterpeer review

Association between atopic dermatitis/eczema and arthritis among US adults

Smith, B., Engel, P., Collier, M. R., Devjani, S., Thyssen, J. P. & Wu, J. J., jul. 2023, I: Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV. 37, 7, s. e855-e857

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftLetterpeer review

Association between atopic disease and vaccination granulomas: A nested case–control study

Hoffmann, S. S., Thiesson, E. M., Johansen, J. D. & Hviid, A., 2023, (Accepteret/In press) I: Contact Dermatitis.

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Association between Myocardial Work Indices and Cardiovascular Events According to Hypertension in the General Population

Olsen, F. J., Skaarup, K. G., Lassen, M. C. H., Johansen, N. D., Jensen, G. B., Schnohr, P., Marott, J. L., Søgaard, P., Gislason, G., Svendsen, J. H., Møgelvang, R., Aalen, J. M., Smiseth, O. A., Remme, E. W. & Biering-Sørensen, T., 1 nov. 2023, (E-pub ahead of print) I: European Heart Journal Cardiovascular Imaging.

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Association between QRS shortening and mortality after cardiac resynchronization therapy: Results from the DANISH study

Lund-Andersen, C., Yafasova, A., Høfsten, D., Thune, J. J., Philbert, B. T., Nielsen, J. C., Thøgersen, A. M., Haarbo, J., Videbæk, L., Gustafsson, F., Svendsen, J. H., Pehrson, S. & Køber, L., 31 dec. 2023, (E-pub ahead of print) I: International Journal of Cardiology. s. 131700

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