The Imaging unit collaborates very closely with the other research groups, units and laboratories and are currently collaborating in studies with the following: Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospitals:
Department of Radiology senior consultant head of MSK research Mikael Boesen, MD, Phd and senior consultant, head of neurological research Anders Christensen, MD, Phd Department of Rheumatology headed by Hanne Slott Jensen, MD, DMSc Department of sports medicine headed by Professor Michael Kjær, MD DMSc and Professor Peter Magnusson, DMSc Department of sports surgery headed by Professor Michael Krogsgaard, MD, DMSc
National Collaborators
University of Copenhagen:
Rigshospitalet, Department of Radiology:
Professor Carsten Thomsen, DMSc Senior
Consultant Karl Erik Jensen, DMSc Professor
Michal Bachmann Nielsen, MD, Phd, DMSc
University hospital of Southern Denmark Odense, department of rheumatology:
Professor Torkell Elling, MD DMSc
Silkeborg Department of Radiology:
Head of department , senior consultant Agnete Desirée Nielsen, MD
Århus University Hospital Department of Radiology:
Ass Professor, senior consultant Anne Grethe Jurik, MD, DMSc
Professor senior consultant Niels Egun, MD, DMSc
Aalborg University Hospital
Ass Professor, senior consultant in orthopaedic surgery Ole Simonsen, MD
Center for Sensorimotor Interaction (SMI) Aalborg
Professor Lars Arent-Nielsen, Phd
Copenhagen University Hospital Glostrup, Department of Rheumatology and the Danbio registry:
Professor Mikkel Østergaard, MD, Phd, DMSc
Professor Tom Bendix, MD, DMSc
Professor Merete Hetland, MD, Phd
Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre
Danish research center for MRI, head of the MRI department Professor Hartwig Ziebner, MD, DMSc
International Collaborators
Centre for Sport, Exercise and Osteoarthritis, Nothingham
Professor Mark Batt, MD, Phd, consultant in sports medicine
Senior Consultant in MSK radiology Robert Kerslake, MD
Oxford University, Department of
Professor Peter Taylor, DMSc
Image Analysis, Ltd, CEO Olga Kubassova, Phd
Harvard University Professor Deborah Burstein, Phd
Sidney University, Florance and Cope Chair of Rheumatology
Medicine, Northern Clinical School
Professor David Hunter, MD, Phd
Lund and Malmø University hosptials:
Professor Stefan Lohmander, MD, DMSc
Professor, senior consultant in orthopaedic surgery Leif Dahlberg, MD, Phd
Ass Professor, senior consultant in orthopaedic surgery Carl Johan Tiderius, MD, Phd
Genoa University Professor Marco Commino, MD
Austria, Vienna University, Professor in Radiology and Dean Franz Kainberger, MD, DMSc
CIR Vienna University Ass Professor Georg Langs, Phd