Sofus C. Larsen has a master’s degree in health science. In 2014 he received a PhD degree in Public Health and Epidemiology. To date, his research has largely been focused on different aspects body weight regulation, obesity and related disorders. From 2011 to 2015, Sofus was mainly conducting research on gene-diet interactions in relation to development or prevention of obesity. This research was conducted during employments in the GENDINOB project, where he was first working as a PhD student and later as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow and scientific coordinator. Between 2015 and 2020, Sofus was employed as a Trial Manager for the Danish part of the NoHoW project, a large European RCT examining the effect of an evidence-based digital toolkit on weight loss maintenance. Since 2021, Sofus has been working as a senior researcher at the Research Unit for Dietary Studies where he is involved in several different projects, primarily, but not exclusively, within obesity research.